
All Infamous Foes in Hogwarts Legacy & How to Defeat Them

Become infamous yourself by defeating all of the foes on this list!

Where to Find All Infamous Foes in Hogwarts Legacy Image Source: Avalance Software

Among all the enemies to be found and fought in Hogwarts Legacy, there are a select number who stand out from the rest as being one-of-a-kind and significantly more difficult to defeat. Known as Infamous Foes, they are scattered all across the map and indicated appropriately by a skull icon. There are a total of 21 Infamous Foes to vanquish, which can be a daunting task. Have no fear though, as this guide will detail all the Infamous Foes in Hogwarts Legacy and how to defeat them.

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How to Handle Infamous Foes

All Infamous Foes on the list are Level 20 and above, boasting higher stats than normal enemies. As such, we highly recommend that you level your witch or wizard to at least Level 20 if not a few levels higher to ensure you have a fair fight for a good portion of them. A few will be Level 30 or higher and can one-shot kill you if the level gap is too wide though, so tread carefully.

Make sure to be stocked up on buff potions like Edurus, Focus, and Maxima to boost stats like your spell power and defense, along with quicker spell cooldowns. It also doesn’t hurt to bring some attack plants like Chinese Chomping Cabbages and Venomous Tentaculas, as they can definitely sway almost any fight in your favor.

Infamous Foes in Hogsmeade Valley (4 Infamous Foes Total)

Rampant Dugbog (Level 23 Enemy)

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As its name suggests, this Infamous Foe is a special type of Dugbog enemy that is found south of the East North Ford Bog Floo Flame, in a small riverbed near a waterfall. Approach with caution, as there are multiple other dugbogs lurking in the immediate area that can overwhelm you if you’re not careful.

Use Revelio to judge your surroundings and go for the Rampant Dugbog first. It will be sitting right beneath the waterfall. Once it’s dusted, finish off the rest of the normal dugbogs on your way out.

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This is a fairly simple fight, as with any other Dugbog, you simply need to watch for its charged tongue attacks and dodge accordingly. You can also use Levioso to dangle them up in the air for easier offensive opportunities.

Tempeste Thorne (Level 23 Enemy)

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Tempeste Thorne is a Dark Wizard-type Infamous Foe who made her name as an exceptionally cruel poacher, joining Rookwood’s criminal empire after Hogwarts and strengthening the presence of poaching factions across the Highlands. She can thus be found with a band of poachers in the courtyard at Falbarton Castle (which can be fast traveled to via the Falbarton Castle Floo Flame).

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The best strategy here is to take out her poaching comrades first, who will do their best to knock you off your feet constantly with spells like Confrigo and Levioso. Petrificus Totalus will definitely come in handy here if you have it. Once they’re all gone, focus your attacks on Thorne until she’s no more.

Gwendolyn Zhou (Level 30 Enemy)

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As noted above, this Infamous Foe is Level 30, so be mindful before you go charging in. Gwendolyn Zhou is another Dark Wizard who can be found rather conveniently at an Ashwinder hideout in the southwest area of Hogsmeade. She can be encountered either at random or as part of Natty’s relationship sidequest “A Basis for Blackmail”.

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As with other Dark Wizard enemies, dodge her attacks and make good use of your Protego and Stupefy, as well as Petrificus Totalus if you have it. Past that, it’s a fairly simple fight: Whittle her down with gradual attacks, and before long you’ll through the side quest and/or knock another Infamous Foe off your list.

Bardolph Beaumont’s Corpse (Level 25 Enemy)

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This Infamous Foe is not a random encounter, and is instead a part of the “Brother’s Keeper” side quest. You can pick that quest up from Dorothy Sprottle over in Upper Hogsfield. Once you’ve done this, head to the North Ford Bog Entrance Floo Flame. From there, locate a ruined village nearby, where you’ll find Bardolph Beaumont; or rather what’s left of him.

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The deserted ruins are overrun with Inferi, which are undead enemies that must first be hit with a fire spell such as Incendio or Confringo in order to be damaged. Among them is Bardolph Beaumont’s Corpse, a unique Inferi enemy who must be attacked in the same fashion.

Use a mixture of fire spells and your ancient magic throw to hurl fire barrels at him. Whittle him down along with the rest of the undead enemies to add him to your list of defeated Infamous Foes.

Infamous Foes in North Hogwarts Region (1 Infamous Foe Total)

Pergit (Level 23 Enemy)

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The Infamous Foe named Pergit is also locked within a side quest called “The Tale of Rowland Oakes”, which you pick up from Adelaide Oakes at Hogwarts in the Transfiguration Courtyard. To go and find Pergit, seek out the Korrow Ruins on the far west side of the region, and make your way down into the dungeons.

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Pergit will be flanked by several Loyalist goblin enemies who will use a mix of purple and yellow-colored shields, so be sure to break through them with either your ancient magic throw or spells such as Glacius and Depulso to avoid getting swarmed by them. Defeat them all to add Pergit to your list of felled foes.

Infamous Foes in South Hogwarts Region (1 Infamous Foe Total)

The Insatiable Spider (Level 25 Enemy)

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This Infamous Foe is locked behind the side quest “Tangled Web”, which is picked up from Crispin Dunne at the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade. After grabbing it, head to Aranshire and you’ll track the source of the spider infestation to Mary Portman’s Cottage. Heading down underground via the cellar, and you’ll find yourself in web-filled cavern where the Insatiable Spider Infamous Foe lies in wait.

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Distinctly noticeable by its red color and spikes on its abdomen, the Insatiable Spider will attack alongside several other normal spider enemies that emerge. Have your fire spells like Incendio and Confringo at the ready, since it is their weakness. Another tactic to keep from getting swarmed is to use carnivorous plants like Chinese Chomping Cabbages, which can easily whittle down the smaller spiders.

Infamous Foes in Hogwarts Valley (5 Infamous Foes Total)

The Grim (Level 26 Enemy)

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Definitely one of the more notorious of the Infamous Foes per classic Harry Potter lore, The Grim is a special type of Mongrel enemy that can be found by going to the Keenbridge Floo Flame and then traveling to a nearby cave beside a small stream. Once inside the cave, you’ll find some Inferi enemies along with The Grim itself lurking in the dark.

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Once again, have your fire spells like Confrigo and Bombarda at the ready, as Inferi can only take damage after being hit with that type of magic. Much like regular mongrels, watch out for The Grim’s leaping charge attacks, and use spells like Levioso, Depulso, or Glacius to keep a safe distance. Upon its defeat, you’ll have vanquished the Omen of Death and establish yourself as one of the stronger wizards in Harry Potter lore.

The White Wolf (Level 26 Enemy)

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This Infamous Foe can conveniently be found in the exact same cave as The Grim, acting perhaps as the philosophical opposite to the black-colored wolf. Two Infamous Foes plus a group of Inferi can make this location particularly dangerous to clear out, so approach the hideout with caution.

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The White Wolf is actually the more aggressive of the two and will charge at you more frequently than The Grim, so keep your eye on it as much as possible. Make use of spells like Glacius, Levioso, and Depulso to keep a safe distance from the beast. Likewise, make sure to take care of the Inferi first with your fire spells, and then whittle down both wolves as quickly as you can.

Quagmire Troll (Level 31 Enemy)

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This Foe is a unique troll enemy that can be randomly encountered by traveling to the Northern South Sea Bog Floo Flame. The troll will be wandering near the riverbank, and easy to spot given its giant stature.

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There will be several dugbogs in the area as well, so be sure to take care of them first before engaging the troll head on. As with other troll enemies, keeping your distance is absolutely the best course of action, as is making use of Protego and Stupefy when it decides to throw a boulder at you. Having some saved up ancient magic can also be very handy, as well as a hefty stock of Chinese Chomping Cabbages and Venomous Tentaculas to distract it with.

Alexandra’s Troll (Level 28 Enemy)

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Next up is yet another Foe locked behind a side quest. Specifically, it’s the one titled “Troll Control”, which you pick up from Alexandra Ricketts at Brocburrow right near the Floo Flame. She’ll ask you to go kindly put down her beloved troll that’s been wreaking havoc.

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As with other troll enemies, keeping your distance is a must, and you’ll want to make good use of your Protego/Stupefy combo when evading the boulders it throws your way. Dodge its charging club attacks and chip away at it with all your offensive spells as well as any Chomping Cabbages or Tentaculas you have on hand. A defense buff potion wouldn’t hurt either.

Likewise, make sure to return to Alexandra after you’ve vanquished the troll to nab some useful rewards.

Riparian Troll (Level 23 Enemy)

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This Infamous Foe is the third of three unique troll enemies in the region, and it can be found at random while exploring the Dale Family Tomb near Brocburrow. Simply take the nearby Brocburrow Floo Flame and head east until you find the tomb and head inside. The troll will be found deep within the dungeon, inside a cavernous room with stone pillars spread around.

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You can approach this fight much the same way you’ve handled the other Trolls listed above. Keep your distance and dodge when necessary, especially when he uses the stone pillars around the room as weapons. Protego and Stupefy remain your friends as well. Along with your usual barrage of spells, make use of your ancient magic to hurl debris at him along with any carnivore plants you have on hand to chip away at his health more quickly.

Infamous Foes in the Feldcroft Region (2 Infamous Foes Total)

Belgruff the Bludgeoner (Level 20 Enemy)

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Belgruff is a goblin who once peacefully advocated for equal rights for all of goblin kind. But once he met Ranrok and witnessed his power, that all changed.

This hero turned villain can be found at Rookwood Castle, a short distance away from the Rookwood Castle Floo Flame. When you track him down inside the castle walls, he’ll be flanked by numerous Loyalist goblin enemies who will immediately swarm and attack you.

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As seen above, the goblins will activate different colored shields and you’ll need the right colored spell and/or an ancient magic throw to break them. Keep good distance, dodge their ranged and charge attacks, and use Expelliarmus to disarm and hurl their weapons back at them for extra damage.

A Mandrake will stun all enemies in the vicinity and help you regain control if you’re getting overwhelmed. Make use of other plants as well to quickly take care of Belgruff’s soldiers while you shave away his health.

Catrin Haggarty (Level 20 Enemy)

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This dark wizard-type Infamous Foe is only found during the “Lost Child” side quest, which is picked up from your Gryffindor companion Natsai Onai in Lower Hogsfield. After starting the quest, use the North Feldcroft Floo Flame to head to a nearby Ashwinder camp. There’ll be a tent inside that looks deceivingly small, and the missing child can be found within alongside Catrin Haggarty.

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Once you find her in a large open area of the tent, she’ll be fighting alongside several other Ashwinders, so you’ll need to be on your toes here. Make good use of Expelliarmus to keep at least a few of them disarmed and unable to cast spells. Focus them down one by one until just Catrin is left. A good rotation of spells will bring her down fairly quickly.

Infamous Foes in the Coastal Cavern (1 Infamous Foe Total)

Ogbert the Odd (Level 20 Enemy)

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This Infamous Foe is another goblin-type enemy that can be found deep inside the Coastal Cavern in the southeast region of the map. Take the North Poidsear Coast Floo Flame to get there.

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Ogbert will be with several other goblin enemies in relatively close quarters. They’ll brandish red and purple shields, so be sure to use spells like Depulso and Confringo to break them. Given the tight space, Incendio can be utilized to damage multiple enemies, and a Mandrake or Thunderbrew potion can be an effective multi-stun to stay on top of the fight. Also, make sure to take advantage of Expelliarmus here to hurl their weapons back at them. Do the same with Obgert until he’s defeated.

Infamous Foes in Poidsear Coast (1 Infamous Foe Total)

Iona Morgan (Level 35 Enemy)

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This Infamous Foe is one of the higher level ones found, so approach with caution and be well-equipped with some upgraded gear as well as plenty of potions and plants. Iona Morgan can be found in the ruins of Poidsear Castle at a busy Poacher’s Camp, so be careful of how you decide to start the encounter.

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Once you initiate, take care of the shields that pop up and use Expalliarmus when possible to keep the poachers disarmed and unable to cast. Use your Chomping Cabbages or a Thunderbrew Potion to keep your distance and whittle down the camp one by one until just Iona Morgan is left. Dodge and disarm her when you can, using your go-to spell barrage and your ancient magic to make quick work of her.

Infamous Foes in Marunweem Lake (1 Infamous Foe Total)

Grodbik (Level 30 Enemy)

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Next up is yet another goblin-type enemy that can be found inside the Coastal Mine, which you can get to easiest via the Coastal Mine Floo Flame. He can be encountered either randomly or as part of Lodgok’s loyalty questline. Either way, Grodbik can be found within the mine accompanied by a number of other goblins and an armored troll, so don’t take this fight too lightly.

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This will be yet another very busy fight, so approach it carefully. Prioritize taking care of the other goblin enemies first, breaking their shields and hammering away at them while fortifying yourself with helpful potions like Thunderbrew, Edurus, and Maxima.

You’ll want to then focus on Grodbik, using the same tactics listed above to bring him down as quickly as possible; or, you can use Petrificus Totalus if you have the binding spell to instantly defeat him. once he’s taken care of, you can focus on the troll whom probably presents the biggest threat. Bring it down in the same manner as any other troll enemy, making good use of Protego and Stupefy along with a carnivore plant or two to even the odds.

Infamous Foes in Manor Cape (3 Infamous Foes Total)

Alisa Travers (Level 25 Enemy)

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Alisa Travers can be found down inside a tomb along with several Inferi enemies. Use the West Manor Cape Floo Flame to get there with the least amount of hassle.

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When you approach, one technique would be to use Disillusionment to remain hidden, and take out the Inferi one by one with Petrificus Totalus if you have it. Otherwise, use your fire spells to get rid of their damage immunity and quickly bring them down before focusing on Alisa herself.

As seen above, she’ll cast a purple shield, which you can easily get rid of with Depulso. Disarm her with Expelliarmus and use the offensive spells you have to finish her off. Otherwise, Petrificus Totalus can defeat her in one hit.

Lord of the Manor (Level 26)

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This Infamous Foe is an Inferi-type enemy that can be encountered in the same area as Alisa Travers after her and the other Inferi are defeated. Use the West Manor Cape Floo Flame to get there if you need to double back.

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Defeat him in the same fashion as any other Inferi enemy. Cast Incendio or Confringo to break his damage barrier, and then deplete his health with whichever offensive spells you prefer.

Dunstan Trinity (Level 37 Enemy)

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Boasting a staggering Level of 37, this Foe is one of the strongest on the entire list and should be approach with the utmost caution if you’re under-leveled. Dunstan Trinity can be found at a bandit camp in a ruined castle near the West Manor Cape Floo Flame.

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Dunstan will be surrounded by Ashwinders, so it’ll be best to take them out first; preferably with Disillusionment and Petrificus Totalus. Otherwise, cut down their numbers as much as possible with Thunderbrews and Chomping Cabbages, and buff yourself with attack/defense potions before taking on Dunstan himself.

He has the same ability set as an Ashwinder Executioner, and can be dealt with using the same strategies as a result. Just be sure to make use of Expelliarmus to stun him when he’s about to cast his lightning ability. Don’t forget your ancient magic if you have some handy, and deplete his health with all your offensive spells.

Infamous Foes in Clagmar Coast (1 Infamous Foe Total)

Silvanus Selwyn (Level 37 Enemy)

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Silvanus Selwyn is the only other Level 37 Infamous Foe on the list, and thus one of the strongest. Prepare accordingly by making sure that your gear is buffed and you’re stocked on potions.

Selwyn is a dark wizard-type enemy found in Clagmar Castle, which can be accessed via the Clagmar Castle Floo Flame nearby. There is an abundance of Ashwinder enemies in the castle, so entering with stealth is highly recommended.

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Make good use of Disillusionment and take out what Ashwinders you can with Petrificus Totalus to even the odds. Once you confront him and any other Ashwinders you couldn’t get to beforehand, make sure to disarm with Expelliarmus and perhaps a Mandrake to effectively stun all enemies in the area. Thunderbrews and Chomping Cabbages can also be super effective here. Use your heaviest spells such as Confringo, Diffindo, and even a Forbidden Curse such as Crucio to make quick work of Selwyn.

Infamous Foes in The Forbbiden Forest (1 Infamous Foe Total)

The Absconder (Level 34 Enemy)

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The last Infamous Foe on the list is a spider-type enemy that can be found after picking up the “Absconder Encounter” side quest from a vendor in Aranshire. You’ll need to find the Absconder down in its cave, which is hidden within the Forbidden Forest. To get there, take the North Ford Bog Entrance Floo Flame.

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The Absconder is a unique spider enemy that has two unblockable slam attacks which it’ll use consecutively, so be sure to dodge them accordingly. Also, unlike regular spider enemies, Levioso and Accio will not work on it. Make good use of your fire spells like Incendio and Confringo to whittle down its health.

That concludes our guide to all Infamous Foes in Hogwarts Legacy and How to Defeat Them in Hogwarts Legacy. We hope you found this helpful in your search for all these unique enemies. Be sure to check out our other guides and related articles down below for everything else you could need to know about the game.

About the author

Stephanie Watel

Stephanie Watel is a freelance writer for Twinfinite. Stephanie has been with the site for a few months, and in the games media industry for about a year. Stephanie typically covers the latest news and a variety of gaming guides for the site, and loves gardening and being the bird lady of the neighborhood. She has a BA in Writing from Pace University in NY.

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