
Is the Nintendo Switch Right for You? Take This Quiz to Find Out

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Does Console Gaming on the Go Interest You?

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Nintendo’s Switch event has been and gone and brought with it a bunch of interesting announcements, including price, release date, and launch lineup. With this being such a different type of console, though, it’s understandable you might be a little skeptical about jumping straight in. Sound like you? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. All you need to do is answer the questions posed on each page by clicking on the answers down below and see where your Nintendo Switch destiny lies. 

Let’s start off by talking about what is arguably the Switch’s biggest draw. By utilizing a docking station, the Switch provides both a great-looking home console experience, as well as console gaming on the go. That means you can be exploring Skyrim while you’re sailing through the clouds over the Atlantic, or on your morning commute.

Of course, the promise of console gaming on the go isn’t for everyone. Some players would prefer to keep their gaming at home and experience the wondrous world of Skyrim in 4K beauty on the PS4 Pro.

With that in mind, does console gaming on the go mean a lot to you?




Are You a Nintendo Fan?

Okay, so let’s start off nice and easy. With this being a Nintendo console, you can expect the real major releases to be the system’s exclusives. Both first and third-party developers are busy working on some great titles for the system, but the real question comes down to whether or not Nintendo games are your cup of tea.

Third party titles and exclusives will be on the system, but there’s always a chance they’ll show up on rival systems at a later date. After all, just look at the Xbox One and PS4 interchanging the likes of Inside and Firewatch with one another last year.

Those Nintendo games, though, they’ll only ever be on a Nintendo system… or your phone, but that doesn’t count.




No – You Just Aren’t a Match

Well, you’re not a Nintendo fan, and the unique selling point of the system isn’t doing it for you, either. Maybe you just stumbled upon this page by accident, or perhaps you wanted to test us to see if we’d actually put this page in. We hope we did you proud.

If Nintendo’s style of games, as well as the portable nature of the system aren’t grabbing you, then you may well be better off picking up a PS4 or Xbox One. You can grab both of these at their starting prices for the same price as a Switch, and they’re far more powerful, too.


Take Me Back to the Start

Are Groundbreaking Graphics a Must?

It’s no surprise by now that the Switch isn’t going to be competing graphically against the likes of the 4K powerhouses in the Pro and Xbox’s upcoming Project Scorpio. But, graphics aren’t everything, and it’s one of the sacrifices that Nintendo has likely had to make in order to make the Switch’s portability a reality.

That’s not to say the Switch is going to look awful. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Edition will run at 1080p when docked, and the vibrant and colorful worlds of Nintendo games will pop on the 720p Switch screen. Of course, it’s understandable, however, that if you’re going to be dropping your hard-earned cash, you want to get the best-looking experiences. With the Xbox One S and PS4 Slim both around the $300 price tag, you may be better looking elsewhere.




Does $300 Sound Reasonable?

Okay, so you’re willing to take some of the limitations of the system for its neat features and, more than likely, the prospect of getting your hands on some great first-party titles. Just like any new tech, though, you’re gonna be paying a good few hundred bucks in order to jump into the next generation of Nintendo.

This is where you need to work out whether you deem the Switch to be worth $300 and whether you can afford to spend that on the console alone. Once you’ve thought it through, click on your answer below.




How Badly Do You Want to Play Zelda, Though?

You thought this would just be a no page, didn’t you? Well, while $300 may seem incredibly steep for a new system, exclusive titles can make a huge impact on your decision. Especially ones which have been five years in the making and are part of one of the biggest video game series in the world. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild finally got its release date of Mar. 3 to coincide with the Switch’s release.

While you’ll still be able to play the game on the Wii U, you may not have one of those, either. And we wouldn’t recommend you pick one of those up with this shiny new hardware on the way. Can Breath of the Wild tempt you into dropping that sweet, sweet cash?

I Need to Play Zelda!


Not That Much

Oh, Don’t Forget Accessories

You’re all good with the $300 price tag and that’s great, but we have some more bad news for you. If you were hoping to get your hands on that sleek Pro controller, you’re gonna have to add quite a bit more onto the $300.

The Pro controller alone is gonna set you back around $70. On top of that, depending on how often you’re taking the Switch out with you, you might wanna grab a case. Oh, and then there’s the Micro SDXC card to expand the system’s memory from 32gb. In total for all of that, you’re looking at probably another $100. Of course, the Pro controller is completely optional, as is the memory and case. They will likely help to keep your Switch safe and offer a better way to play, though, so don’t dismiss them right away.

Noted – I Can Cope


Too Much Extra Cost – I’m Out

Is an Achievements/ Trophy System Important to You?

Achievements and trophies are a big deal to a lot of people. Defeating a boss is great and all, but then you’ve got something to prove that you did it. It adds a sense of accomplishment to some of the more standard video game tropes, such as collectibles, that gamers just can’t get enough of. With Xbox and PlayStation having rocked their respective systems for years, many expected Nintendo to adopt their own.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be the case. Nintendo didn’t comment on it during the event at all, so unfortunately, trophy and achievement hunters won’t have a new home on the Switch.

That doesn’t mean you won’t still enjoy the games on offer, though. Again, it’s all down to how important this system is as part of your gaming experiences.

Yes – It’s Very Important to Me


No – I Can Go Without It

Are You Happy to Pay an Online Subscription?

Nintendo’s Switch is getting a fancy new online service to help it keep up with the competition. Players will be able to talk with friends and strangers in online matches, arrange play times, browse the store, and get exclusive deals. This all comes at a cost, however. You’ll be paying a subscription fee per year for the privilege.

Just how much it’s going to be currently remains to be seen, but it’s worth noting that you could be looking at another $60 per year if Xbox Live and PlayStation Plus are anything to go off. If you’ve already got one, or even both, of these systems, that adds up to quite a lot in online subscriptions you’ll be paying. Others just may not be prepared to shell out to play online, and that’s totally fine, too. Are you willing to pay for another one for your Switch?

Sure – I’m Gonna Need it



Maybe – Are You Prepared for Some Give and Take?

You’ve arrived here because you’re not completely against what the Switch has to offer, but you’re certainly not willing to willingly hand over your cash without a fight. Whether it’s the initial price point, the additional cost of accessories or subscription services, or maybe the fact that the system just isn’t as powerful as you were hoping it would be, there are some drawbacks that face the system.

If you’re willing to accept the Switch for its innovative, yet power-limited self, then by all means, go ahead and throw down a preorder. If its power limitations, pricey accessories, or lack of an achievement system are too glaring for you to overlook, you might want to give it a while and see if the price changes at all. Perhaps a price drop a year down the line will be enough to persuade you.


Take Me Back to the Start

Yes – The Switch Awaits!

You’re an ideal candidate to be the proud owner of a Nintendo Switch come Mar. 3. You’re hyped for the upcoming games, can’t wait to get your console-quality gaming on the go, and are prepared to pay for the accessories you need when you want ’em. The good news is, you really don’t have much longer to wait until it’ll be in your hands.

Get your preorder down and start saving up, we’re not too far away now, so all you need to do is sit back and wait.


Take Me Back to the Start

Naa, I’m Good For Now

You’ve arrived here not because you’re completely against the idea of owning a Switch, but namely because the price point is just too high for you to justify at the moment. Heck, even the promise of Breath of the Wild on day one wasn’t enough to sway you!

Looking further down the road for the Switch, there are plenty more great games due to hit the system. Super Mario Odyssey will bring a fun-filled adventure, and Splatoon 2 will have players jumping into the inky action once more. There’s always the chance of a price drop in the future, too. Perhaps then you’ll find the Switch more appealing.


Take Me Back to the Start

Do You Own a PS4 or Xbox One?

Okay, so you’re interested in the Switch’s ability to let you bring console games on the go, but you’re after the very best graphics, too. Unfortunately, you’re in a bit of a catch 22 situation, but we’re here to help. The Switch isn’t as powerful as an Xbox One or PS4, but if you already have one of these, then you can always pick and choose when it comes to which titles you really want to shine.

Though this does run the risk of your Switch becoming an exclusive machine, or one just for titles you have to take with you everywhere, it does satiate the problem somewhat. Of course, if you don’t already have an Xbox One or PS4, perhaps they’re something worth considering, instead. After all, the PS4 Pro can offer upscaled 4K experiences, and Xbox’s Project Scorpio is set to offer native 4K. If you want cutting edge graphics, you’re better off with the competition.




About the author

Chris Jecks

Chris is the Managing Editor of Twinfinite. Chris has been with the site and covering the games media industry for eight years. He typically covers new releases, FIFA, Fortnite and any good shooters for the site, and loves nothing more than a good Pro Clubs session with the lads. Chris has a History degree from the University of Central Lancashire. He spends his days eagerly awaiting the release of BioShock 4.

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