Batman: The Telltale Series- Episode One Review

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Batman The Telltale Series, episode one, review

Batman: The Telltale Series- Episode One on PC

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When Telltale announced its next franchise to conquer with its episodic storytelling was Batman, fans were a little skeptical on exactly how a Batman Telltale game would work. After all, his best bits always have been about the badass fighting, rocket-powered Batmobile, and the vast wealth of other gadgets the caped crusader had at his disposal. How these would translate into an episodic series where gameplay focused primarily on Quick Time Events (QTEs) and environmental investigation was yet to be seen, but having finished the first of the five episodes of Batman: The Telltale Series, I can confirm you needn’t worry.

Batman: The Telltale Series tells a story completely independent from the comics, TV show, or the movies. This is a story that has been written from the ground up solely for the Telltale series and it shows. To give you a quick rundown with as little spoilers as possible, the first episode starts off with Batman hunting down some sort of data drive, only to have a run-in with a certain cat burglar. Fast forward a few scenes and we’re in Wayne Manor, as Bruce Wayne hosts a gala, endorsing Harvey Dent in his running for Mayor of Gotham. As the episode progresses, events unfold that demonstrate the way in which both Bruce and Batman will be involved in the series’ focus on Dent’s campaign against the corrupt Mayor Hill. Though we won’t say any more to avoid giving away too much of the surprise, this is an unpredictable story that will keep the most dedicated Batman fans guessing, and one that will turn all preconceived ideas of the story on its head.

What is worth mentioning here, however, is that this is no light-hearted Batman experience. This is a dark and gritty story that deals with adult themes like corruption, bribery, politics, and some pretty brutal violence. Batman may be seen on the silver screen to be one who doesn’t dish out punishment where it’s not necessary, but this is your Batman story, and the options are there for you to take that darker route that Wayne has always managed to withhold from taking in the movies. Within the first couple of minutes, a guy gets straight up capped in the head, and you’ll also get a glimpse at some pretty gory remains later on. Though not the stuff nightmares are made of thanks to the graphical style, it certainly paints an unsettling picture.

Batman: The Telltale Series, episode one, review

The cel-shaded art style that we’ve come to know and love from Telltale is back and almost seems like a match made in heaven for Batman. Particularly with the visuals having that reminiscent feeling of the old comic books. Seeing Wayne Manor from a distance was a particularly poignant moment that showcases how perfectly the gloomy cel-shaded visuals marry up with the criminally overrun city of Gotham. This, combined with the updated Telltale engine, provided for a smooth and sleek-looking experience, even during the combat moments.

Naturally, there’s a bit of a split in the action you can expect to have as you play through Batman. As Bruce Wayne, you can expect sensitive and personal conversations, and a focus on upholding the reputation of the Wayne family. As Batman, you’re all about dealing out justice and getting your hands dirty. While the two may seem far apart from one another, Telltale Games has written a story that blends Batman’s choices and actions with those of Bruce. It’s something as small as a scratch Batman sustains in battle, all the way up to your actions in front of a crowd as Bruce will have an effect on the other, and this adds even further weight into the tough decisions that Telltale are so well renowned for leaving you to make.

While the first episode gave me ample time with both Bruce and Batman to get a feel for the gameplay, a bulk of the high-octane action naturally took place with Batman. Though you may not be in real-time control of the Bat, Telltale has done an excellent job of ensuring that QTEs feel smooth and satisfying and that they also carry a bit of significance, too. As you successfully perform button presses and stick swipes during the combat QTEs, you’ll notice a Batarang gauge in the bottom-left of the screen slowly filling up. The more damage you do and the more QTEs you nail, the faster it fills. Once you’ve filled this you can pull off a “finish the fight” move, which, though its name may suggest otherwise, will deal heavy damage but not always take the enemy out of the battle. The combat is never going to be as fluid as it was in Rocksteady’s Arkham series, but it does a good job at translating the non-lethal, fast-paced combat of Batman into a Telltale series.

Rounding off the main gameplay focuses were ‘Investigation’ sections as I like to call them. These saw Batman exploring his surroundings and taking note of anything peculiar or of interest and marrying them up with others. Drawing links was as simple as pressing on one, moving across the room and clicking on the other to create a visible yellow line across. Doing so would activate a series of holograms portraying how the event played out. Link a number of different investigation points together and Batman will successfully piece together the puzzle and will give you a quick run down of the whole scenario. It’s a neat little mechanic that certainly helps keep things fresh from the fighting, talking, and decision making, but the link drawing is best used in a different instance.

Batman: The Telltale Series, episode one, review

Toward the end of the episode, I was faced with a tricky combat situation that required me to take down a number of goons in quick succession. However, going in all-guns-blazing wasn’t an option. Enter the drones! Here, I was given control of a drone as I surveyed the outside of the building, marking my targets before deciding how exactly I’d take them down. Once I’d locked in my decisions and was happy that my chosen tools of destruction were right for the job, an extended QTE commenced, as I cleared the entire room of threats in one beautifully executed motion. This was the icing on the cake for a combat system that, albeit has its limitations, feels right for a Batman game. I really felt like the badass hero that Gotham deserved.

Returning to my Batcave in following moments of combat or conversation (depending on which psyche I had just assumed control of) granted me two neat little side options from my main screen: the Codex, and the Gotham Media Feed. The Codex, as the name suggests, provides an ever-expanding database of knowledge on characters, buildings, and organizations. This is not only necessary for you to use at moments during the game to clue Bruce up on a certain person or event, but it’s also pretty handy for those wanting to bolster their Bat-knowledge that little bit more. The Gotham Media Feed, on the other hand, provides the latest news from the different news networks of Gotham. This is a great way for players to gain a better insight into current Gotham affairs, and see how their actions are being portrayed by the media. We didn’t see a whole lot of this during episode one, but we’re sure it’s going to be utilized a lot more in the coming episodes.

Batman: The Telltale Series: Episode One was the perfect start for Telltale’s latest franchise quest. The combat was slick, the storytelling was as per usual second-to-none, and the investigation moments helped to keep the gameplay varied. With the updated engine keeping everything running smoothly, Telltale has been able to truly showcase their passion for the franchise and it pays off. Batman: The Telltale Series feels like a truly cinematic animated Batman experience and one fit for the franchise’s reputation. If the rest of the series continues to maintain the momentum set by this first episode, Telltale Games could give fans the Batman game they deserve.


Score: 4.5/5 – Great


• Slick combat fit for Batman.

• Cell-shaded graphic style is a perfect partner for Gotham.

• Sublime narrative.

• Varied gameplay.

Editor's Choice smallest



About the author

Chris Jecks

Chris is the Managing Editor of Twinfinite. Chris has been with the site and covering the games media industry for eight years. He typically covers new releases, FIFA, Fortnite and any good shooters for the site, and loves nothing more than a good Pro Clubs session with the lads. Chris has a History degree from the University of Central Lancashire. He spends his days eagerly awaiting the release of BioShock 4.
