
Which Horror Icon Would You Be? Take This Quiz To Find Out

Which Horror Icon Would You Be Quiz

You know them, and you love to be scared by them. They’re the icons of the horror film genre, having hacked and slashed their way into your heart over the years. They’ve captured your imagination for years, whether it’s watching them hunt down hapless victims or wondering how well you’d be able to survive them yourself.

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With so many out there though, you might be unsure of which one is most suited to your particular taste in horror. That’s why we’re here to help you figure out which horror icon you would be based on your personality.

Now, without further ado, let’s get to the questions.

Oh, and if you end up liking this quiz, we have an entire section on the site dedicated to them, which you can check out here.

Featured images via Indiewire and Cinemablend.

Which Horror Icon Would You Be? Take This Quiz To Find Out

How do you typically introduce yourself to someone new?
Economic conceptual image. Male businessman handshake with devil. Dark contrast lighting
What's your biggest pet peeve?
What type of clothes do you typically wear?
Where do you feel most at home?
What would you bring to a Halloween party?
What are your views on travel?
If you could wish for anything, what would it be?
What's your lucky number?
Is there anything you're afraid of?
Last question: What's your favorite color, or favorite colors?

About the author

Keenan McCall

Keenan has been a nerd from an early age, watching anime and playing games for as long as I can remember. Since obtaining a bachelor's degree in journalism back in 2017, he has written thousands of articles covering gaming, animation, and entertainment topics galore.
