The Simpsons has been around for over three decades now, following the many adventures of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie as they live their daily lives in the town of Springfield. Across the 30+ seasons of sitcom mayhem, the family has met plenty of interesting people and gone to a lot of infamous places.
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As such, it makes sense that The Simpsons would have plenty of trivia surrounding their adventures. To celebrate the show’s longevity, we’ve come up with a quiz that is sure to test even the smartest and most loyal of fans.
If you end up liking this, be sure to check out our Quiz section of the site for even more fun!
(Image source: Fox Broadcasting Company)
Only True Simpsons Will Get A Perfect Score In This Trivia Quiz
What is the name of Homer's Mother?
What did Homer's "Suing Relative" do to win money in lawsuits?
Who shot Mr. Burns?
Name the most popular ride at Mt. Splashmore.
Where do The Simpsons win a trip to in Simpsons Tall Tales (Season 12)?
Who does Homer fight for the boxing heavyweight championship in "The Homer They Fall."
What hobby does Marge take up to prove she isn't boring (Season 31)?
Who founded Springfield?
What is the name of the three-eyed fish created by the power plant?
What is Homer's favorite beer?