
Can You Match Each Destiny 2 Exotic to its Perk? Test Your Exotic Knowledge

Mask of Bakris Exotic Hunter Helmet, Destiny 2 Beyond Light

Destiny 2 has been around for over three years now and we’re working on year four as this article is being published. Over the years Destiny 2 has seen many exotics added into the game. So many that it’s hard to keep track of them sometimes.

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Well, if you’re here you probably already know what’s going to happen. We want to see how well you can keep track of all these Destiny 2 exotics.

Below we have a mix of exotic armor and weapon perk descriptions. Can you identify which exotic weapon or armor is associated with that perk description? Give it a try and good luck!

Can You Match Each Destiny 2 Exotic to its Perk?

Fires a "Powerful short-range Solar burst."
"Ability energy on Super cast. Allies get class energy."
"Weapon kills while in a rift extend the rift's duration."
"Bonus damage when aiming down sights on the opening shot of an attack. This bonus is preserved if the shot deals precision damage or strikes an elemental shield."
"More Orbs from Supers. Casting Barricade heals."
"Boosts Sidearms, especially when you're wounded."
"A portion of this weapon's damage bypasses elemental shields."
"Casting Fists of Havoc grants an overshield"
"Melee kills increase melee damage."
"Kills with this weapon heal the wielder. Precision kills also refill the magazine."
"Melee hits store explosive defensive energy."
"Dodging disorients and removes enemy radars."
"Grants radar while aiming down sights. Bonus damage after kill-reload."
"Reloading immediately after a kill increases weapon damage for a short time."
"Improved Skip Grenades"

About the author

Ed McGlone

Ed McGlone was with Twinfinite from 2014 to 2022. Playing games since 1991, Ed loved writing about RPGs, MMOs, sports games and shooters.
