
Watch the Star Wars Rogue One Trailer Recreated in Fallout 4

She rebels.

Star Wars Rogue One fallout 4 trailer recreated in remade

But a few days after the Rogue One trailer dropped, a fan has already recreated the Star Wars teaser in Fallout 4. Using a combination of mods, PC commands, and no shortage of explosions, creator UpIsNotJump drops the film right into Bethesda’s Wasteland.

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Jyn “I rebel” Erso of course makes her appearance in the video, along with mysterious white-cloaked-Admiral villain, mysterious black-cloaked-maybe-Emperor villain, mysterious Shadow Trooper villains, and basically we know very little of this film’s bad guys.

We also get a shot of the trailer’s ominous Death Star laser installation, made possible by a mod created by UpIsNotJump himself. Mods can’t always solve everything, though, which is why Donnie Yen is brandishing a katana instead of a stick and the AT-ATs have been replaced with Liberty Primes.

UpIsNotJump specializes in Fallout 4 recreations, also remaking Suicide Squad and The Walking Dead trailers in the game. You can check out more of his work here. And if you’re interested in more Fallout 4 recreations, check out this remake of P.T. or this one of Bioshock Infinite’s Columbia.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story releases Dec. 16 of this year, and will follow a group of rebels trying to sabotage the Empire’s first Death Star just before the events of the original Star Wars film. Let us know if you’re counting the days until release, and for more, check out some of today’s top stories below.

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About the author

Sharon Coone

Local Editor in Chief. B.S. in Biology, B.A. in Philosophy, and always within 20 feet of a bagel. Kind of like a reverse restraining order, but with carbs. You can reach her at [email protected]
