
Titanfall 2’s New Titan, Tone, is a Deadly Tracking Machine

Watch it, Tone.

Last week, a trailer for Titanfall 2 revealed the roster of Titans to join the fray. Now, Respawn has a released a trailer for one of the newbies, Tone. His focus lies in tracking, with a 40mm tracking cannon, tracking rockets, and a Sonar Lock. On the defensive side, he’s got a particle wall that blocks incoming attacks. His Core Ability lets him shoot out a multitude of rockets that’ll demolish anything in their path. Seriously, they’re hella deadly. Check em out in the trailer down below.

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Tone is joined by Ronin, Northstar, Legion, Scorch, and Ion. The robots aren’t the only thing to look forward to with the new game: Angel City, a fan favorite map from the first game, will be coming back as a free download. But it won’t be an EA Access title.

Titanfall 2 comes to the PS4, Xbox One, and PC on Oct. 28.

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About the author

Justin Carter

Sometimes a writer, always a dork. When he isn't staring in front of a screen for hours, he's probably reading comics or eating Hot Pockets. So many of them.
