The 10 Best Fallout 4 Perks for Your Skill Points


Fallout 4 has a lot of perks for players to choose from (70 to be exact). And some of those perks have Ranks that unlock even more sub-perks. But not all perks are created equal. There are those that transcend the simple act of just increasing a particular stat and really open up the possibilities of Fallout 4.

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These are the creme de la creme of what the Wasteland has to offer a Vault Dweller out on an adventure. Some of these perks will require heavy investment into a specific tree (you can give yourself a head start when setting your stats at the very beginning), so getting all of these on one character will take some time. But it will definitely be worth it.

Bloody Mess (Requires LCK 3)

There’s just something about gore that really livens up the combat in Fallout 4. Exploding heads in V.A.T.S. is the highlight of many a Vault Dwellers day, and the separation of limbs from body is something truly amazing. But how about dialing it up a bit just to let all your would be enemies know that you play for keeps.

Bloody Mess increases your damage output while also adding a chance for your enemies to explode when you attack them. If you decide to max it out you even get the chance of having the effect chain to nearby enemies. Just an explosion of viscera filling your screen as your eyes well up with tears of joy.

Aquaboy/Aquagirl (Requires END 5)

There is a lot of irradiated water covering the Wasteland of Fallout 4. You can drink some of this if you’d like (though we’d advise against it if you don’t have the Lead Belly perk), and even jump in and swim if you dare. Usually you’ll end up dead as your skin boils from all of the radiation, but Aquaboy/Aquagirl skill solves that problem while also providing an added bonus.

Enjoy the ability to swim without limits as you travel to the water’s deepest depths. If you go for the second Rank you’ll have the extra perk of being completely undetectable while fully submerged. This will make taking out those shore camps with ease. It will also help a lot with some of the tougher indoor areas (a few require you to enter water in order to escape).

Local Leader (Requires CHR 6)

The Settlements mechanic in Fallout 4 requires quite a bit of attention. Not only do you have to look out for the people under your care, but there is a lot of crafting involved, and that all requires a ton of resources. You can store your items at these settlements so you’re ready to build what needs to be built, but then when you move to the next you need to start over again. Local Leader solves that problem.

The first Rank of this perk allows for players to create a supply link between settlements. This means you’ll have access to everything you need at all times. The second Rank allows you to build stores in your Settlements so that you can rake in the Caps and bring in some traffic (and more resources). It’s good being the boss.

Inspirational (Requires CHR 8)

If you’ve read our beginner’s guide you’re already aware of the threat your companions pose to you. They have zero qualms with chucking grenades at your feet and sending missiles straight at you. Maybe it’s payback for dragging them through Boston or maybe they’re just that inept, who knows? Either way, it sucks.

Inspirational helps to turn your frustrated frowns upside down by stripping your companions of they’re ability to do you harm. It also raises their attack and defense but let’s be honest, you just want them to stop killing you already.

Strong Back (Requires STR 6)

There is a lot of collecting to be done in Fallout 4. After all, how else are you going to stock up your armory and fill up on resources? Unfortunately, things can get pretty heavy, and once you and your companion have reached your carry limit things become very…slow.

Being over-encumbered strips you of your ability to run and fast travel. Having to figure out what to leave on the filthy ground (which is where you got most of your things anyway most likely) is a painful decision no Vault Dweller should have to make. Strong Back alleviates this problem, but you’ll have to unlock all four Ranks.  The first two increase your carry capacity by 20 and 50. But the third and fourth give you back your sprint and fast travel capabilities which is a definite plus when you find yourself carrying to much in the middle of a mission.

Penetrator (Requires PER 9)

V.A.T.S. is undoubtedly one of your best tools in Fallout 4. The ability to aim at exactly what you need to hit and figure out an enemy’s weakness is invaluable. Yet the perk system manages to allow you to make it even better.

Penetrator allows you to shoot targets through cover. So those bastards who who like to hid and stick out only their guns are no longer safe. It comes with a penalty to your accuracy until you unlock the second Rank (which you most definitely should). Now nobody’s safe, and you don’t even have to put yourself in harms way to tear them apart.

Cannibal (Requires END 8)

Okay, so the humans, Ghouls, and Super Mutants of Fallout 4 are pretty disgusting. Caked in dirt, blood, and Atom knows what else, these beings are far from appetizing, but it turns out that they’re a great source of nutrition. All you need is some salt, pepper, and the Cannibal perk.

Clear out a room of enemies then put on your bib as you dine on their carcasses in order to get yourself back in top-top shape. Let their essence sustain you.

Action Boy/Action Girl (Requires AGI 5)

You’ll find yourself running and using V.A.T.S. a lot in Fallout 4, especially as you move on to more challenging areas of the game. Being able to get out of trouble quickly, or to pick apart a gang in slow motion is a necessity if you are to survive the harsh Wasteland. The thing is that both of these cost Action Points.

Action Points regenerate over time, but sometimes they just aren’t fast enough, this is doubly true if you’re using a weapon that takes a bit more than usual while in V.A.T.S. The Action Boy/Action Girl perk greatly increases the rate at which your points recharge which is excellent no matter what type of Vault Dweller you roll.

Critical Banker (Requires LCK 7)

Critical shots are obtained by landing hits while in V.A.T.S. Once you charge one up you can trigger it to do a potentially massive amount of damage on an enemy that can help you cripple or even sever a limb. The only problem is that once you have one that’s it. You don’t keep on charging until you use it which kind of sucks since there are some enemies that would be much easier if you can use more than one of these skill shots.

That’s where Critical Banker comes in. It grants you the ability to store Criticals so that you can use more than one in a row, making armored enemies, or just tougher normal ones, much easier to deal with. When married to the Better Criticals perk in the same tree.

Life Giver (Requires END 3)

You will take damage no matter how much you try to avoid it in Fallout 4. From creepy little insects that sneak up on you to Radiation Storms, you will take damage. So it’s best to make sure that you’re able to survive whatever is thrown at you. Life Giver helps you to achieve that goal.

Its first two ranks simply increase your health points, but it’s the third rank that your really want. Maxing out this perk grants you health regeneration. Yep, you’ll be able to watch your health climb back up without the need for radioactive food or anything of the like. This is especially useful for those having trouble staying alive.

These 10 perks will help you stay alive, as well as assist you in wrecking your enemies. Are any of your favorites missing from this list? If so feel free to share in the comments below.

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About the author

Ishmael Romero

Just a wandering character from Brooklyn, NY. Fan of horrible Spider-Man games, anime, and corny jokes.
