
It’s This PlayStation Game’s Birthday, But You Wouldn’t Know it With These Bad Guesses

What could it be....?

PlayStation 4, top, best, scored, reviewed, games

Oh yeah, it’s the 21st birthday of a PlayStation game, but which one? Sony asked fans to figure it out. And it was a disaster.

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A game with spaceships? C’mon, we all know the answer to this one. It’s so stupidly obvious.

Man, I hated that stage.

Dat 1080p, courtesy of the PlayStation 4.

Getting closer….


WTF is Philosoma? This doesn’t sound real. At all.

Pff, whatever. We all know what the real answer is here.

Happy birthday, Tekken! We’ll always have fond memories of playing you on the PlayStation after school! (Yes, we know it’s actually Philosoma’s birthday, and happy 21st to you!)

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About the author

Justin Carter

Sometimes a writer, always a dork. When he isn't staring in front of a screen for hours, he's probably reading comics or eating Hot Pockets. So many of them.
