All Fallout 4 SPECIAL Perks and Their Ranks

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Fallout 4 is a game that is very serious about letting you spec your character in any way you see fit. As you choose which attributes you want to pour your skills into you’ll also unlock specific perks that further bolster the attributes you care about most. Of course there are quite a bit, with some even having multiple ranks that you just can’t immediately view from the Pip-Boy menu.

To make things a bit easier we’ve listed all S.P.E.C.I.A.L. perks and their rankings so that you can plot out your course for perfection out in the Wasteland.



Strength is the basis for your melee strength and ability to carry loads of beautiful garbage. It is also the stat that handles the customization of armor so if you plan on getting up close and personal with some of the more nefarious Wasteland denizens, this is the stat for you.

Iron Fist (Requires STR 1)- This perk is for those who like to go in unarmed. With five ranks that go from increasing your attacks by 20% all the way up to double damage along with crippling criticals you can’t go wrong here.

Big Leagues (Requires STR 2)- Think Iron Fist but with a melee weapon in your hand. Big  Leagues also has five perks that follow the same patter as Iron Fists, except level five has the chance to send heads flying.

Armorer (Requires STR 3)- Want to upgrade your armor to its fullest potential? Then you’ll need this perk. There are four ranks that each unlock a new level of upgrades.

Blacksmith (Requires STR 4)- Melee weapons are for a special kind of Lone Wanderer, and upgrading them takes strength and skill. Blacksmith has three ranks that each unlock a new tier of modifications.

Heavy Gunner (Requires STR 5)- This perk increases the damage of weapons such as Missile Launchers and Gatling Guns. Throughout its five ranks players will unlock increasing damage (up to double) and the ability to stagger enemies while also increasing hip-firing accuracy.

Strong Back (Requires STR 6)- This is the perk for those who just don’t know when to stop picking things up. There are four ranks. The first two increase your carry capacity by 25 and 50. The third rank allows you to run while carrying too much. And the final rank allows you to fast travel.

Steady Aim (Requires STR 7)- Two ranks of increased hip-fire accuracy.

Gun Bashing (Requires STR 8)- This perk increases the damage of using melee attacks with your firearm against enemies. Each of the four ranks increases the damage by 25% while also increasing your chance at crippling your target. On it’s final rank it even has a chance to count as a critical hit.

Rooted (Requires STR 9)- A perk centered in boosting the attack and defense of a player while standing still. The first two ranks in crease your damage resistance and melee attacks while the third and final rank automatically disarms any enemy using melee weapons against you as long as you’re standing still.

Pain Train (Requires STR 10)- Love Power Armor? Love Sprinting? Pain Train combines both of those to deal insane amounts of damage to any enemies standing in your path. Throughout its three ranks you’ll damage and stagger opponents with the final rank having an increased chance at killing as well as being able to knock enemies flat on their backs.



Perception is for those who love to steal, want only the best accuracy in V.A.T.S. and are in need of getting into paces they don’t belong in. It’s also the stat that helps you with your long range weaponry, so definitely worth investing in by snipers.

Pickpocket (Requires PER 1)- This perk has four ranks that each increase your chance at stealing by 25%. But the last two ranks allow you to steal equipped weapons and items making for some interesting scenarios.

Rifleman (Requires PER 2)- Five ranks that each increase the damage output of all non-automatic rifles. Starting from rank two these weapons will also have the added bonus of ignoring a percentage of the enemy’s armor. Ranks four and five add the chance to instantly cripple a limb.

Awareness (Requires PER 3)- You’re now able to see any enemies weaknesses while V.A.T.S. is active.

Locksmith (Requires PER 4)- The first three ranks unlock the player’s ability to pick each rank following Novice (Advanced, Expert, and Master). The fourth rank makes Bobby Pins unbreakable.

Demolition Expert (Requires PER 5)- The first rank increases the damage of explosives by 25% (as do all other ranks) as well as allows you to craft explosives at Chemistry Stations. The second rank adds a throwing arc so you can see where your bombs are going while the third rank increases their area of effect. The final rank adds extra damage to mines/grenades shot in V.A.T.S.

Night Person (Requires PER 6)- This perk as two ranks. The first increases your Intelligence and Perception by two points between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. The second increases both by three and adds night vision to your character while sneaking.

Refractor (Requires PER 7)- Each of the five ranks increases your energy resistance starting at +10 and ending at +50.

Sniper (Requires PER 8)- The first rank improves aiming and the amount of time you can hold your breath while aiming down the scope. The third and second rank add a chance of knocking down enemies with non-automatic scoped rifles as well as +25 accuracy to head shots while in V.A.T.S.

Penetrator (Requires PER 9)- The first rank allows you to target body parts behind cover in exchange for a lower chance at hitting them (using V.A.T.S.). The second rank ignores the decrease in hit chance.

Concentrated Fire (Requires PER 10)- Increases the accuracy on a body part that is attacked repeatedly in V.A.T.S. Each of the three ranks increases this perks potency by an extra 10%.



This particular attribute is responsible for your sprinting, health points, radiation resistance, and even the effects of food and drinks.

Toughness (Requires END 1)- Five ranks each with increasing Damage Resistance starting at +10 and ending at +50.

Lead Belly (Requires END 2)- Decreases the radiation received from eating radiated food and beverages. There are three ranks with the third rank completely ignoring all radiation.

Life Giver (Requires END 3)- Increases your maximum Health. Each of the three ranks increases your health by 20 points with the third rank adding health regeneration.

Chem Resistant (Requires END 4)- Rank one lowers your chance of becoming addicted to Chems by half, while the second rank completely removes the chance.

Aquaboy/Aquagirl (Requires END 5)- No more radiation from jumping into pools of water, plus you can now breath under there too. The second rank makes you completely undetectable while fully submerged.

Rad Resistant (Requires END 6)- Each of the the three ranks increases your Radiation Resistance starting at +10 and ending at +30.

Adamantium Skeleton (Requires END 7)- Decrease limb damage received by 30% and 60% for the first two ranks. The third rank eliminates all limb damage.

Cannibal (Requires END 8)- You can know eat humanoid enemies to restore health. Rank one lets you eat humans. Rank two lets you eat Ghouls and Super Mutants. Rank three greatly increases the amount of health you receive from all three.

Ghoulish (Requires END 9)- Radiation now restores your health. Each of the three ranks increases the amount of health restored while the final rank also adds the chance of Feral Ghouls becoming friendly.

Solar Powered (Requires END 10)- Increases Strength and Endurance between the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. by two. Ranks two and three will add radiation damage regeneration and health regeneration when in sunlight respectively.



The center of your charming, persuading, threatening, and bartering capabilities. Also allows you to party hard.

Cap Collector (Requires CHR 1)- Increases your selling prices while lowering your buying prices. The third rank allows you invest in stores o increase their capacity.

Lady Killer/ Black Widow (Requires CHR 2)- This perk makes members of the opposite sex take more damage and makes them more susceptible to persuasion and intimidation. Each rank increases the damage delivered to them by an extra 5% while making dialogue and Intimidation (requires Intimidation perk) much easier.

Lone Wanderer (Requires CHR 3)- Increases your damage resistance and carry weight when traveling without a companion. Rank one increases resistance by 15% and carry capacity by 50. Rank two increases resistance by 30% and carry capacity by 100. The final rank gives you a 25% boost to your attack power.

Attack Dog (Requires CHR 4)- This is the perk that turns Dogmeat into an absolute beast. Attack Dog gives Dogmeat the ability to bite and hold enemies in place for you. Rank two gives him the chance to cripple a limb, and rank three gives him the chance to cause bleeding.

Animal Friend (Requires CHR 5)- This perk allows you to pacify an animal so it doesn’t attack you. It’s second rank gives you the ability to make it attack someone else, while the third rank provides you even more commands.

Local Leader (Requires CHR 6)- Rank one lets you link your supply caches between your settlements. Rank two allows you to build stores and workstation.

Party Boy/Party Girl (Requires CHR 7)-  Goodbye alcohol addiction. Rank one completely removes the chance at becoming addicted to alcohol while Rank two doubles alcohols potency. The third rank in this perk increases your Luck by 3 whenever you are under the influence.

Inspirational (Requires CHR 8)- This perk is for those who utilize companions. The first rank allows your partner to do more damage while also removing friendly fire. The second rank increases their damage resistance while also making them immune to your friendly fire. The final rank increases the amount they can carry making them better mules.

Wasteland Whisper (Requires CHR 9)- Works just like Animal Friend only this time it works on creatures.

Intimidation (Requires CHR 10)- This perk is works just like Animal Friend and Wasteland Whisper except for on humans.



Intelligence increases the amount of experience you can earn as well as grants access to some of the best crafting available in Fallout 4.

V.A.N.S. (Requires INT 1)- Holding down the V.A.T.S. button now displays a trail to the closes quest target.

Medic (Requires INT 2)- Each of the 4 ranks increases the effects of Stimpaks and RadAway. Rank four allows them to cure you completely and at a much faster rate.

Gun Nut (Requires INT 3)- Each of the four ranks unlocks a new tier of gun modifications.

Hacker (Requires INT 4)-  Rank one through three unlock each of the levels of terminals following Novice (Advanced, Expert, and Master). The final rank ensures that you never get locked out of a terminal.

Scrapper (Requires INT 5)-  Rank one allows you to obtain uncommon components when salvaging weapons and armor. Rank two allows you to obtain rare components.

Science! (Requires INT 6)- Each of the four ranks unlocks a new tier of high-tech mods for your weaponry.

Chemist (Requires INT 7)- Each of the four ranks increase the amount of time a Chems effects last (50%, 100%, 150%, and 200%).

Robotics Expert (Requires INT 8)- Allows you to hack a robot. Rank one allows you to control its power or make it self destruct. Rank two allows you to order it to control while Rank three offers even more commands.

Nuclear Physicist (Requires INT 9)- Increases the amount of damage done by radiation weapons, and increases the amount of time Fusion Core lasts. The first two ranks increase the damage by 50% and 100% and the Fusion Core time by 25% and 50%. The third rank doubles the time a Fusion Core lasts and also allows you to use them as grenades while in a Power Suit.

Nerd Rage (Requires INT 10)- When your health drops below 20% this perk slows down time while also give you +20 Damage Resistance and a 20% Damage buff. Each perk increases the effect by an additional +10 and +10%. The final perk adds a healing factor to your kills.



Agility increases your sneak capabilities, the amount of points while in V.A.T.S. and your chance at dodging. It also increases you reload speed and boosts your firearm proficiency.

Gunslinger (Requires AGI 1)- Increases the damage of non-automatic pistols by 20% each. The fifth rank adds a chance to disarm and cripple the enemy.

Commando (Requires AGI 2)- Increases the damage of automatic firearms by 20% with each of the 5 ranks. The final rank has an increased chance of staggering enemies.

Sneak (Requires AGI 3)- Lowers your chance of being spotted by enemies with each rank while also adding extra perks. Rank makes it so you no longer trigger floor-based traps while sneaking. Rank three adds the same bonus to enemy mines. Rank four removes the effect running has on stealth, while rank five makes you invisible to distant enemies.

Mister Sandman (Requires AGI 4)- The first rank instantly kills any sleeping human with one attack while silenced weapons gain an extra 15% sneak attack damage bonus. Ranks two and three provide a 30% and 50% silenced weapon bonus respectively.

Action Boy/Action Girl (Requires AGI 5)- This perk increases the rate at which Acton Points Regenerate. Rank one makes it 25% faster while Rank 2 makes it 50% faster.

Moving Target (Requires AGI 6)- Increases your Damage Resistance and Energy Resistance by 25 points. Rank two increases both resistances by 50 points. Rank three reduces the cost of sprinting by 50%.

Ninja (Requires AGI 7)- This perk increase the damage of both your ranged and your melee sneak attacks. Rank one proved a 2.5x increase to ranged sneak attacks and a 4x increase to your melee sneak attacks. Rank two increases both to 3x and 5x respectively. The final Rank reduces the cost of sprinting by 50%.

Quick Hands (Requires AGI 8)- Increases the reload speed of all weapons. Rank 2 no longer charges you Action Points to reload while in V.A.T.S.

Blitz (Requires AGI 9)- Inreases the range of melee weapons in V.A.T.S. The second Rank increases the range further while also allowing players to do more damage to enemies further away.

Gun-Fu (Requires AGI 10)- Increases the amount of damage done to every enemy in a round of V.A.T.S. from the second onward. The third Rank grants an automatic critical hit to the fourth enemy and onward.



Luck helps to charge up your critical hits as well as find valuable items out in Fallout 4’s Wasteland. Luck is definitely a good thing to have on your side.

Fortune Finder (Requires LCK 1)- Increases the amount of caps you find in containers. The last Rank adds a chance for enemies to explode into a shower of chaps when killed by you.

Scrounger (Requires LCK 2)- Increases the amount of ammunition you find in containers.

Bloody Mess (Requires LCK 3)- Increases your damage while also adding a chance for enemies to explode when you attack them. the final Rank adds a chance for the explosion to chain to nearby enemies.

Mysterious Stranger (Requires LCK 4)- Adds the chance for a mysterious stranger to come out during V.A.T.S. to help you out. Each of the three ranks increases the chance with the third rank also adding a chance for him to instantly fill your Critical meter.

Idiot Savant (Requires LCK 5)- This perk grants random XP multipliers. The chance of receiving one increases the lower your intelligence is. at Rank 3 you’ll also have the chance of triggering 3x experience for all kills after a random multiplier is granted.

Better Criticals (Requires LCK 6)- Increases the amount of damage done by critical attacks.

Critical Banker (Requires LCK 7)- You can now save Critical attacks so that you can stack them. Each of the three Ranks allows you to save one more.

Grim Reaper’s Spring (Requires LCK 8)- Adds the chance of having a kill in V.A.T.S. restore all of your Action Points. The third Rank also has a chance to restore your Critical meter as well.

Four Leaf Clover (Requires LCK 9)- Adds a chance for a successful hit in V.A.T.S. to completely fill your Critical meter.

Ricochet (Requires LCK 10)- Adds the chance that an enemies ranged attack will bounce off of you and instantly kill them.

Those sure are a lot of perks to take in, but now you know exactly what you’re getting into. For more guides, tips, tricks, features, and information on Fallout 4 be sure to check out our expanding wiki.


About the author

Ishmael Romero

Just a wandering character from Brooklyn, NY. Fan of horrible Spider-Man games, anime, and corny jokes.
