
What Happens in All of Life Is Strange’s Endings? Which Is Best? Let’s Help You Decide

Don't go bald trying to decide. Let us help.

Life is Strange

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Life Is Strange is filled with many choices, some big and some minor. However, it all eventually boils down to one final choice that you have to make at the end of the game, and boy is it brutal. We here at Twinfinite have all gone completely bald in trying to pick this one, as there really isn’t a right or wrong choice. It all comes down to how you interpret all the events of Life Is Strange, and your perception of right and wrong, moral and immoral.

Still, there are probably plenty of you that are going to be stuck on this decision for a long time. This is where we come into help. On the next two pages we have broken down each of the final two decisions and make a few arguments as to why you should choose to end your game in that way.

If it isn’t obvious to you by now, MAJOR spoilers ahead. The result of the endings will be discussed in detail and if you don’t want to know what happens, don’t read it! You’ve been warned!

With this said, let’s break down which Life Is Strange ending is the best one. Also, if you want to see Ed and Yami break down the final Life Is Strange choice and Episode 5 in general, you can do so here and read our review of Episode 5:


Ending 1: Sacrifice Chloe

Life is Strange

What Happens When You Pick This Ending

If you choose to sacrifice Chloe, Max will jump into the photo of the butterfly and return where it all started. But instead of rewinding time to save Chloe from being shot by Nathan Prescott, Max will let her die and let the events play out as they were supposed to. Nathan and Mr. Jefferson will be arrested and no one after Rachel Amber gets hurt by Mr. Jefferson. However, Chloe is definitely dead this time and Joyce, David, and Max will mourn her loss.

Pick This Ending If You Want to Be the Hero

Chloe is probably right when she delivers her end game speech that her existence is what is causing all of the environmental problems in Arcadia Bay. She needs to accept her fate. It was her destiny to die that day in the bathroom with Nathan and Max. Every time that Max tried to save Chloe by using her power, she has failed. Over and over again we’ve watched Chloe die. Pick this ending to accept Chloe’s fate. Let her die like she was supposed to and restore balance to Arcadia Bay and the timeline.

Let’s not also forget that because Chloe was shot by Nathan, the police eventually apprehend Nathan and by virtue of investigation, Mr. Jefferson. Thus, all of the horrible things Mr. Jefferson did post Rachel Amber never occur. Finally, in comparison to the ending where Max sacrifices Arcadia Bay, Ending #1 gets a lot more screen time and much more detail, which may convince some that this is the “true” canon ending. We see further ahead into a future where Joyce and David bury Chloe as Max and her friends attend the funeral. A blue butterfly lands on Chloe’s coffin during as if to assure Max that she made the right choice. It’s bittersweet for sure, but Arcadia Bay’s and Max’s future looks bright as a result.

Pick This Ending If You Hated Chloe’s Guts

Not everyone likes Chloe. As a matter of fact, some people hate Chloe. She’s kind of a dick to Max for a lot of Life Is Strange. Max goes out of her way and literally turns back time to protect her, but Chloe still gives Max a verbal lashing a number of times throughout each of the episodes. So if you’re tired of Chloe’s BS then go ahead and let her get shot. Everyone else is safe now and you won’t feel any worse for it.

Pick This Ending If You Want to Cry and Feel Depressed for at Least a Week

Despite this being arguably the “true” “happy” “canon” ending, it’s still sad as all hell. Chloe, the person that you have spent five episodes trying to protect, is dead now. It was a sacrifice that Max and Chloe both decided was the right thing to do, but it doesn’t make it any less depressing. You’re going to have to relive that scene in the bathroom with Nathan and Chloe. You’re going to hide behind the stalls again and just listen to your best friend get shot and killed, and do nothing about it. Even if you were to intervene without using your powers, it wouldn’t change anything. Chloe was meant to die and even though you saved Arcadia Bay, if you cared about Chloe at all, you’re going to feel pretty bad.

Ending 2: Sacrifice Arcadia Bay


What Happens When You Pick This Ending

Max will rip up the photo of the butterfly and Arcadia Bay will be doomed to face the brunt of the massive tornado. Chloe and Max will be safe at the lighthouse but it is presumed that everyone else in Arcadia Bay does not survive. Max and Chloe will drive through the utter destruction of the city and live with the difficult decision that they made together.

Pick This Ending If You Poetically Want to Accept Your Punishment for Messing with Time

At first pass, this seems like the selfish ending. Saying “screw Arcadia Bay, I want to save Chloe” certainly seems short-sighted. However, there is more to this ending than meets the eye. The entire episode preceding the final choice was all about hammering home one simple point: Stop. Messing. With. Time. It’s obvious in Polarized that Max does not know what she is doing and should stop controlling time. Every time she does, someone ends up getting hurt or worse.

The tornado that is barreling towards Arcadia Bay is Max’s fault, even if she didn’t intend for it and her heart was in the right place. In trying to keep Chloe alive all this time, Max has woven Arcadia Bay’s destruction. Chloe tries to convince Max that she can go back through the photo one more time to make things right. But isn’t that the opposite of what the game has been trying to tell you? In choosing this ending, you believe that you reap what you sow. Max caused all this and it’s over, it’s time to swallow your medicine and stop screwing around in alternate realities. Accept what is about to happen to Arcadia Bay and move on.

Pick This Ending If You’re BFFL with Chloe No Matter What

If Chloe is your ride or die chick, then destroying Arcadia Bay is the only option you can pick. The entirety of Life is Strange has been about you protecting/saving/reviving Chloe through all kinds of messed up scenarios. If you really care about Chloe, then why now at the end of the game are you going to let her die? Someone might say if you love someone let them go, but screw that. You can finally save Chloe once and for all right here and now. Do it, just DO IT and don’t look back.

Pick This Ending If You Don’t Care About Anyone Other than Chloe and Max

Life is Strange did an excellent job developing Max and Chloe. Everyone else? Ehhh.. We can take them or leave them. Maybe if you’re a Max-Warren shipper, this one isn’t for you, but if in reality all you really care about is Max and Chloe, then screw Arcadia Bay, right? Isn’t that what Chloe has wanted from the get go? Everyone at Blackwell, with the exception of Warren and Kate, has been pretty awful to Max and Chloe anyway. Joyce is probably the only person Chloe will miss. If you can get over those two and everyone else that would get killed in this massive tornado, then why not pick this ending? Max and Chloe will be fine.

That just about does it! What did you decide? Let us know your rationale in the comments!

More Life is Strange

About the author

Ed McGlone

Ed McGlone was with Twinfinite from 2014 to 2022. Playing games since 1991, Ed loved writing about RPGs, MMOs, sports games and shooters.
