Top 5 Best Dragon Age: Inquisition Companions

It is no secret that Dragon Age: Inquisition is a pretty solid entry into BioWare’s Dragon Age series. Many could attribute its reception to its vast open areas, engaging combat, or its deep lore. But something must be said of its cast of some of the most amazing characters to ever grace a video game. What makes it even more worthy of recognition is the fact that these amazing characters can be your companions throughout your journey.

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The only sad part is that you can’t bring all of them with you at once.  Three at a time is the limit, so choices must be made. Fortunately enough, you have just stumbled upon a list of the 5 most awesome of these companions. This list is in no particular order and instead focuses on what makes each of these well-crafted characters so magnificent.

There are some minor spoilers ahead, you have been warned.

Cassandra Pentaghast

For those of you who aren’t new to Dragon Age, you are probably already familiar with Cassandra. Her tough, to the point attitude, and her strong beliefs make her a standout character. She also happens to be your very first companion in Dragon Age: Inquisition after finding you, the only survivor of the breach.

You first meet her as you sit in chains during the interrogation by Cassandra and Leliana. She was the right hand of the divine who had just tragically lost her life and is now consumed with a need to find out exactly what part you played in the events. After this initial introduction is when her character really opens up and you begin to realize just how amazing Cassandra truly is.

She is tough, that is clear, but she is also honor bound. She may disagree with some of your decisions but she builds her faith in you and will follow you into the harshest of battles and let no one speak ill of you. As the Thedas she knew slowly changes so to does her character and her views of the world. When in doubt of recent events, you can always count on Cassandra to put things into perspective and renew your conviction.

She is also a surprising source of entertainment when paired with the right companions. Her exchanges with Varric paint an interesting relationship between two characters that would normally be at each other’s throats.  Pairing her with some of the sillier companions shows just how mean she can truly be in such a great way. Hearing her question the intelligence of Sera at any given opportunity will almost always bring a smile to your face.

Cassandra’s contribution to combat is nothing to scoff at, as well. She is a seasoned warrior and it shows as you enter the fray. Her ability to not only draw the attention of your enemies but to also quickly put them to rest makes her a truly worthy addition to any party.



Solas is yet another early option for companions in Dragon Age: Inquisition. So early, in fact, that you have no choice but to use him in the first few hours of the game. The fact that he is sort of forced upon you in the beginning does absolutely nothing to diminish this intriguing character in the slightest, though. He is an oddity that you just can’t help but keep around.

Solas is an elven mage who is neither dalish nor of the city. He spent most of his years alone, focusing on refining his magical abilities without the help of teachers or a circle. Although he spent most of his time away from his people, he is still very proud of his lineage and everything that it encompasses. The fact that he is an apostate mage does not stop him from seeking understanding and learning more about the threat to Thedas. This lends to the core of his character and his natural need to chase after knowledge and understanding.

If Cassandra is there to renew your faith, then Solas is there to help you understand it. He has put himself in the center of hostile territory in order to learn and to help and he is often a solid voice of reason when trouble arises. He is not without his biases but he is the innate ability to view situations from both sides, something that is extremely rare among the other companions in Dragon Age: Inquisition. He seeks to return the world to peace and order and to do away with ongoing disputes between races, classes, and nations.

The fact that he is pretty handy when it comes to ranged combat is worth mentioning. He is an excellent ice mage, maybe not the best, but have him focus on spirit and ice magic and you have a handy defensive mage who can stop enemies in their tracks. He can also sense elven artifacts that help to strengthen the veil, which makes him very useful in pushing back the threat.



Sera is yet another who spent the majority of her life away from other elves (don’t worry, she’s the last). Other than that, though, she is the total opposite of Solas in every regard. She is the most outspoken companion available in Dragon Age: Inquisition and she never hesitates to let this be known. And, as with many of your potential companions, she feels really strongly about her views of the world. She just happens to convey these sentiments in the most oddly hilarious ways.

During your first direct interaction with Sera she thought it was a good idea to steal the underwear of the soldiers you are fighting. Not their weapons, not their armor, just their underwear. She was very proud of that action. She tends to speak as if there are millions of thoughts flying through her head and she’s just barely grasping the gist of it. She responds to you in riddles, jokes at the gravity of situations, and never misses an opportunity to share her disdain for elves, magic, and royals.

Her hate of monarchs and elves makes her a bit hard to please if you’re looking for friendship, but her wit and the way she stands up to anyone trying to control her more than makes up for her difficult nature. For some serious laughs bring her along with Cassandra and Solas. The latter’s need to understand everything hits a wall when confronting Sera. She hates elves with every fiber of her being and goes out of her way to mock every attempt at civility from Solas.

Of course, a recommendation for Sera couldn’t possibly be made if she was utterly useless on the battlefield. She is a fast rogue and a master at archery. Her ability to pin down enemy archers and to quickly evade danger makes her invaluable when the going gets rough and you need to ensure the survival of your companions.


Iron Bull

The Iron Bull is the most interesting individual of the Qunari to ever appear in a Dragon Age game. If you are a fan of the series, you will already know how strict the Qunari people are and how rigidly they adhere to their ways. The Iron Bull is a man who seems at odds with those facts, but he finds comfort in defining who he is as a man.

Originally an agent of the Ben-Hassrath, he now spies on behalf of them. Using the Bull’s Chargers, he now gathers information and reports back to his superiors. He also uses them to make contact with you. If you decide to bring him on to the Inquisition he’s upfront with you about his dealings and devotes himself to you and your cause. This is just the first example of the peculiarity that is the Iron Bull.

He lives life at leisure which isn’t the way a normal Qunari would go about things. He drinks, he parties, he’s open and honest, and he likes to joke. One would think he was against the Qunari, which wouldn’t be too far fetched considering his characteristics, but they couldn’t be more wrong. He knows who and what he is, and has no shame. He just chooses to experience life in a new manner which could be due to his time spent away from home.

As is expected of a Qunari, the Iron Bull is yet another of your companions that is full of wisdom. Being one who has undergone a serious change, he can understand many issues you may be facing with your newfound position of Inquisitor. He understands maintaining a core of loyalty while allowing yourself to become something new and teaches you to embrace the change that comes with it.

If his name wasn’t a dead giveaway, the Iron Bull is a force to be reckoned with. He is a warrior who fears no enemy and he will defend any who stand behind him. He delivers massive amounts of damage and can take just as much as he dishes out. He isn’t the founder of a strong mercenary group for nothing.


Dorian Pavus

Dorian Pavus is one seriously powerful Tevinter mage who is both respected and envied in his home country for his skills. But being powerful is not enough for the final entry in this list. Most mages in Dragon Age: Inquisition, the entire series for that matter, seek nothing more than to be powerful enough to grab the reigns of the land. For a character of Dorian’s moral fortitude, this could not fly.

Coming from a a highly respected Tevinter family, Dorian’s future was in the bag, as long as he could deal with the moral demise that was going on around him. Instead, he decided that someone of his talent and power needed to be the agent of change in a dying world. He has the ability to see the good in those that you wouldn’t give a second chance. What comes across as cockiness is just him wearing his confidence on his sleeve for all to see and he backs it up.

When you get to what’s under that confidence you find a man who is fighting for his right to exist as is and has given up everything to make it a reality. Although all of the characters present bring that sense of internal struggle, none of them manage to feel as human in their adversity. Having to deal with not only the disapproval of his family but their attempt to change him through the darkest of means.

You don’t have to live through the same challenges as Dorian to relate to wanting to exist and his writing makes it so easy to build that bond. He is honest and witty and makes for some of the greatest conversation. And, as mentioned before, he is an extremely powerful mage from a land that respects power. To shine there means he can seriously shine anywhere, especially as one of your companions.

Were there any standout characters for you? If so, feel free to share below. For more info on Dragon Age: Inquisition be sure to check out the official website.


About the author

Ishmael Romero

Just a wandering character from Brooklyn, NY. Fan of horrible Spider-Man games, anime, and corny jokes.

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