
The Top 10 Best Weapons of the Halo Series

We all need a weapon.

I need a weapon.

10. Assault Rifle

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AR Halo

When you think of classic weapons in a video game, the Assault Rifle from the Halo franchise should always be on that list. In Halo: Combat Evolved we had the most fun iteration of the gun yet, with a heavy-hitting 60 bullet clip and a crispy reload — the AR was at its most fun. In Halo 3, Halo Reachand Halo 4 the Assault Rifle was nerfed down to only 32 bullets and was noticeably less fun to use — hopefully in Halo 5: Guardians the revamped version of this rifle will harken back to its glory days.

9. Plasma Pistol

Plasma Pistol Halo 3

It was hard to put this weapon on the list, since it was 50% of the n00b combo in Halo 2 but the weapon is just too useful. With a charged blast out of the Plasma Pistol, you’ll instantly pop the shields off a Spartan or an Elite making this weapon extremely dangerous. It’s a must-have tool when completing the Halo games on Legendary difficulty. In Halo 3, Bungie introduced the EMP mechanic of the Plasma Pistol making it extremely versatile. A charged Plasma Pistol still strikes fear into even the most experienced of Halo veterans.

8. Silenced Pistol

Halo 3: ODST

Often forgotten, the Silenced Pistol from Halo 3: ODST happens to be one of the most satisfying weapons in Halo history. Sneaking around New Mombassa as Rookie and taking out Grunts and Jackals with precise, quiet headshots was a welcome change of pace in a Halo game. In Firefight, the gun never left my side and was a critical tool for getting to the mode’s most difficult encounters. Hopefully we see another appearance of the Silenced Pistol before the end of the franchise, either with Master Chief or another Helljumper.

7. Covenant Carbine

Halo 2

While it’s mightier than its cousin the Needle Rifle, the poor Covenant Carbine is still overshadowed by the mighty Battle Rifle or DMR. This carbine is still an amazing weapon in Halo 2 and Halo 3, it felt faster, leaner, and edgier than the Battle Rifle in the multiplayer segments. After exhausting its pool of radioactive bolts, the Covenant Carbine ejects the ammunition cartridge with a satisfying pop. The gun has personality and the poor carbine is definitely under appreciated.

6. Sticky Detonator

Halo 4

Making it’s debut in the Halo 4 announcement trailer, this mighty weapon has made quite the name for itself. With a press of the trigger, the Sticky Detonator launches a small explosive that can be activated with another press of the button. Making this weapon perfect for laying out traps, or sticking on your hapless co-op partner during the campaign. Though rare on the battlefield in the multiplayer portion of Halo 4, the Sticky Detonator can still make an impact (hah!) on the other team.

5. Sniper Rifle

Halo: CE

The Sniper Rifle has always a top go-to weapon of choice in Multiplayer but as a whole, there’s more fun to be had with other weapons. The Halo franchise has always gotten sniping right, especially with the bullet trails of these long range weapons. How frustrating and unbalanced would it be to be sniped by an undetectable foe on Blood Gulch? Nothing can match the feeling of sniping a gunner or a flag carrier out of a Warthog, to the UNSC Sniper Rifle — we salute you.

4. Rocket Launcher

Halo: CE

This tool is something all Spartans should be very familiar with, it’s the original power-weapon in the series. Nothing can compare to leading your shot on a Banshee and taking it out midair with this powerhouse of a weapon. In Halo 2, Bungie gave the classic Rocket Launcher an additional ability — to lock onto enemies while they were in a vehicle. This let the Rocket Launcher become even more powerful, unfortunately it’s no longer a feature since the addition of the Spartan Laser but oh how I miss it. Also, if you haven’t played Rockets on Hang ‘Em High on Halo: Combat Evolved, you haven’t lived.

3. Energy Sword


This was a tough choice between the UNSC Shotgun or the Covenant’s Energy Sword but I had to go with the Energy Sword. While fun, the Shotgun just doesn’t have the same level of satisfaction of slicing through your opponent as the sword does. Introduced as a playable weapon in Halo 2, the Energy Sword has quickly became a staple in the series. Eventually (and thankfully), Bungie implemented a battery counter to the weapon to avoid camping in the future Halo games. It was as satisfying in Halo 4 but hopefully we have some refinements with 343’s next take in Halo 5: Guardians

2. Pistol (Halo: Combat Evolved)

Halo: CE

Oh sure, this may be a travesty but let’s look at the facts. It’s a Pistol that can literally zoom across the map and kill your opponent (who’s at full health) in about three shots. Sure, the weapon is amazing but it’s also extremely overpowered. In other Halo games, Bungie and 343 Industries tried to recapture the magic (and turn down the god-like status) of this classic pistol but it just wasn’t the same. How does Master Chief even aim this thing so effectively without a scope? Maybe it’s a Cortana thing?

1. Battle Rifle

Halo 2

This is what happens when you balance a weapon perfectly. The Battle Rifle is everything the Halo: Combat Evolved Pistol should have been. With the right amount of zoom, bullet damage and ease of use, the Battle Rifle is the undisputed king of all Halo weapons. The DMR is a fine weapon as well but the steep learning curve for some gamers makes the Battle Rifle the preferred pick. No matter the Halo game, the Battle Rifle is sure to cause destruction in any Spartan’s gloved hands.

What did you think of our list? Any weapons you think we missed? Let us know in the comments below.


About the author

Brian Robbins

Brian was a freelance writer for Twinfinite between September 2015 and June 2016 who predominantly covered news stories for the site, as well as all things Destiny. He was a senior journalism student, Spider-Man enthusiast, Halo and Destiny master and bearer of a Triforce tattoo. I love lamp.
