
Steam’s Winter Sale Did Even Better without Flash Sales

Basically, everyone went wishlist crazy.

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The Winter Steam Sale was a rousing success this year, according to a private report that oddly ended up on the public Steam VR blog. Since taken down and verified by a developer, the post shows this year’s seasonal blowout raised the bar after doing away with traditional daily deals and flash sales.

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The page reported three times as many product views as in past sales, partly due the new Discovery Queue feature, which offered players free Steam cards in return for viewing a number of featured game pages each day.

Though Valve says they were worried users would just mindlessly click through the game pages, the numbers suggest the opposite. Wishlist additions rose 197%, and the page claims that “in terms of revenue, the discount strategy and Discovery Queue usage resulted in a resounding success.”

According to Valve, the shakeup in this year’s format was to “serve customers that may only be able to visit Steam once or twice during the 13-day event” as well as “showcase a deeper variety of titles to customers each day.” You can check out their entire sale roundup replicated here.

What did you score in the Winter Steam Sale? Let us know in the comments, and for more, check out some of today’s top stories below.

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Sharon Coone

Local Editor in Chief. B.S. in Biology, B.A. in Philosophy, and always within 20 feet of a bagel. Kind of like a reverse restraining order, but with carbs. You can reach her at

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