League of Legends Scholarships are Here to Stay

With gaming being more popular then ever before, many colleges are now offering financial aide and scholarships to talented League of Legends players.

With today’s economic worries, students are always looking for ways to get help for school. For those who play League of Legends that help has come, and seems to be growing, with video game scholarships on the rise in recent years. The latest university offering these scholarships is the University of Pikeville in Kentucky. The school has officially begun offering League of Legends scholarships after the success of the scholarships started at Roger Morris College in Chicago.

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As with any scholarship, students will be required to keep up their GPA, take part in scheduled practices, and overall follow the same rigors of any other scholarship activity.”It will be a regime a lot like athletics,” according to new media director Bruce Parsons to WYMT. “They’ll have to have a certain GPA. We’ll look at them like student athletes. There will be practice time and video time when they have to study other teams for upcoming competitions.”


This growing trend seems to moving out of actually being a trend, and into becoming a staple in modern day collegiate activity. Pikeville has only started offering League of Legends scholarships, but it is expected to grow, much like others before them. Roger Morris in Chicago only began with League of Legends, but started offering Hearthstone and DOTA2 scholarships as well. Wherever you stand on E-Sports in general, there is no denying this is a huge step in the gaming community from where we were ten years ago, and it only seems to be growing from here.

About the author

Yamilia Avendano

Founder of Twinfinite, playing games since 1991, especially in the simulation and action genres.
