
Watch Luke Cage’s Funky Opening Sequence

Sweet Christmas.

The hype for Marvel’s Luke Cage is certainly real, and it’s not gonna be too long before it hits on Netflix in just a few hours. If you thought the trailer from earlier this week couldn’t get you any more pumped, here’s the opening credits sequence to drive it further.

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Daredevil’s opening sequence used red wax to recreate Hell’s Kitchen and play off of Matt Murdock’s Catholicism. Jessica Jones’ was heavy on ink blots and photographs in a very neo-noir fashion. Luke’s is all about the urban background of Harlem, from the street signs and views of the city to the bass heavy music, which is a callback to his blaxpoitation roots. Fittingly, he’s also breaking down a wall in slow motion, which is probably something that’s going to be happening a lot during the season.

Marvel’s Luke Cage comes to Netflix later tonight. Won’t have to wait much longer!

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About the author

Justin Carter

Sometimes a writer, always a dork. When he isn't staring in front of a screen for hours, he's probably reading comics or eating Hot Pockets. So many of them.
