
Ubisoft Cracks Down on Division Cheaters, Outlines Penalties

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Following up on their comments about punishing Division cheaters, Ubisoft Massive has outlined the penalties it will be dolling out to players who do cheat.

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To begin with, Ubisoft has implemented a new detection system aimed at catching cheaters in the act. The system is beginning to yield results already, with Ubisoft preparing to hand out the biggest wave of suspensions and bans yet over the next few days.

Players caught cheating will be given a 14-day suspension if it’s their first offense. If Ubisoft catches you a second time, you’ll be permanently banned. Ubisoft will also be keeping a watchful eye on players using exploit bugs. If a player is caught repeatedly using a bug, there is a chance of suspension or a ban.

Ubisoft has put some fears to rest however, saying that players who accidentally encounter bugs in normal play have nothing to worry about.

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About the author

Tom Powter

I'm an advocate for single-player and VR gaming, which now that I think about it, is about as isolated as you can get. PS4, Xbox One and Wii U owner. Writer, podcaster, opinionated. Dislikes lists of three.
