
Twitch Announces That Changing Your Username Is Now Possible

I call dibs on Bob.


One of the most requested features on Twitch has finally gone live, according to a blog post made on the site. Streamers and fans alike can now change their username as long as it doesn’t violate any rules, and is part of the available pool of names.

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Users can just head over to their profile settings and right where they would view their username, they will see a new button that says “Edit.” Once the username is changed, it will remain like that for 60 days before the option is available again. Your old username will then be held by Twitch for at least six months before it can be used by someone else.

Those who are partnered and decide to change their username will not have their old name thrown into the pool, unless there are special circumstances, which are not stated in the post. Inactive users will be subject to the username recycling policy that was updated last time the website made an announcement. This does not mean that more active users can take whatever name they want, as it was mentioned that direct requests will not be accepted. So if you’re eyeing a username held by an inactive member, you’ll have to wait for it to be recycled.

There are some things Twitch broadcasters should be aware of, such as the fact that they will lose streamer stats if they do not export before changing their name. The URL will also change for the channel page and the old one will not redirect people to the new one, so they will have to make sure they update their social media and everything else.


About the author

Shai Anne Perez

A dislocated New Yorker just looking for a good bagel. She has come to the point in her life where she forgets which games she owns and thus has a horrible backlog. One day she hopes to finish them off, but after finishing Digimon Cyber Sleuth which she is trying to 100%.
