
The Logan Debut Trailer is Giving Off Some Serious The Last of Us Vibes

I will make you hurt.

Hugh Jackman has been playing Wolverine for nine movies now, and Logan is his final one. With the film due out in March, the first trailer for the final chapter in the Wolverine trilogy (as well as Jackman’s last time playing the clawed mutant) has dropped this morning.

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The film takes place decades into an alternate future where mutants have apparently died off. Patrick Stewart’s Charles Xavier has just woken from a coma that he’s been in for quite some time, and he needs Logan’s help in keeping a little girl safe. That girl will later grow up to be Laura Kinney, who comic fans know best as X-23. If anything in the trailer looks familiar to you, that’s because it’s basically doing the Last of Us thing–incredibly subdued, little action, focused on a family dynamic. It’s already being called The Logan of Us on Twitter.

Logan comes to theaters on March 3, 2017.

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About the author

Justin Carter

Sometimes a writer, always a dork. When he isn't staring in front of a screen for hours, he's probably reading comics or eating Hot Pockets. So many of them.
