
System Shock Remake is Coming to PS4 After All

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system shock

The remake for the classic FPS System Shock has been gaining steam over the past few months. It already hit the $1 million milestone last week and keeps on going. Now, PS4 players will be able to experience a classic for the possible first time, as the team of Nightdive Studios reached their stretch goal today. Once they reached the goal, they released an update celebrating the good news:

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“When we launched this Kickstarter, supporting PS4 was a possibility, but we hadn’t started talking to Sony just yet about it,” said project director Jason Fader. “We were all focused on wrapping the demo up and prepping the Kickstarter…After we saw the overwhelming demand for PS4, we reshuffled our priorities and focused on talking to Sony about making that happen. After a few weeks and lotttts of emails, we are officially on track for bringing System Shock to the PS4!”

With a week left of its Kickstarter campaign, the System Shock remake currently stands at having $1,078,996 backed (at time of writing). Fader says that the game should hopefully arrive on PS4 around “Q1 2018”. There’s a free PC demo that’s currently available to download, while it’ll come to the Xbox One and PC in full by the end of next year.

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About the author

Justin Carter

Sometimes a writer, always a dork. When he isn't staring in front of a screen for hours, he's probably reading comics or eating Hot Pockets. So many of them.
