
Star Wars Rogue One’s Felicity Jones Shares Her Inspiration for Jyn Erso

She also has some thoughts on why you shouldn't worry about those Rogue One reshoots.

Rogue One, Star Wars, Celebration, behind the scenes, footage, new

Having appeared in films like The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Felicity Jones certainly isn’t a complete stranger to the spotlight, but she’s likely about to get more attention than ever before once Rogue One: A Star Wars Story releases in two months.

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In Rogue One, Jones plays Jyn Erso, a former lone wolf who joins the Rebellion to partake in a dangerous mission to steal the plans to the “technological terror” that is the Death Star. Speaking with The Hollywood Reporter, Jones explained that she drew inspiration for Jyn’s character from something a bit more mechanical, so to speak.

Namely, Jones looked to the movements of Florence Welch of Florence + the Machine during the band’s music videos, which Jones watched for many hours.

“So much of Jyn is movement,” Jones told The Hollywood Reporter. “It became a very important part of finding her. She walks almost a bit like a caged animal. Her fight sequences become like dances.”

For her efforts, Jones will walk away with her biggest paycheck yet: anonymous sources claim Disney is paying the actress somewhere north of a million bucks, while no other actor or actress on the film is walking away with even half that amount. Of course, Jones is earning those seven figures through more than just watching YouTube. In fact, she had to go back in for some reshoots after initially filming concluded.

Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy attempted to assuage fan concerns that the need for reshoots is a bad sign for the film. She believes the process to be common for any “large, technical movie” and thinks the hubbub around Rogue One’s reshoots is purely because “it’s Star Wars.”

Jones also doesn’t view the the reshoots as a troubling sign for the project. “Obviously when you come to the edit, you see the film come together and you think, ‘Actually, we could do this better, and this would make more sense if we did this,'” she said before drawing a parallel to the task of the reporter profiling her. “I’ve done [reshoots] so many times. I mean, you wouldn’t just give your first draft on this story, would you?”

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story releases December 16.


About the author

Nick Santangelo

Nick has been a gamer since the 8-bit days and has been reporting on the games industry since 2011. Don't interrupt him while he's questing through an RPG or desperately clinging to hope against all reason that his Philly sports teams will win something.
