
Shenmue III Footage Will Arrive Early Next Year, Now in “Full Scale Production”

See it with your own eyes.

Shenmue III Sega Dreamcast 2
If Shenmue III can happen, nothing is impossible.

It’s been a long time since we’ve gotten any news on Shenmue III, the long awaited sequel to the open world series. Last we heard about it, it had a record breaking Kickstarter that would partially help fund its development. But now, it sounds like that’s about to change, because an interview in Famitsu (as translated by Gematsu) has creator Yu Sazuki giving some details on when we can see real footage.

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According to the interview, development for Shenmue III is now going towards “full-scale production,” and the team is hoping that they’ll be able to give some more fuller details in early 2017, such as new videos. Suzuki also stated that they’ll continue to progress with development so the backers “those who experience the world of Shenmue for the first time can do so with pleasure.” He also said that PC versions of the game can be pre-ordered starting this Thursday, Dec. 15, which has received “a lot of requests.”

Shenmue III is currently set to arrive on the PS4 and PC next year. If a release date (or a delay) gets announced, we’ll let you know when it does.

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About the author

Justin Carter

Sometimes a writer, always a dork. When he isn't staring in front of a screen for hours, he's probably reading comics or eating Hot Pockets. So many of them.
