
Prey’s Earth Day Video Reminds You to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

Even in space it's important to recycle.


Today is Earth Day, a time to celebrate this hunk of rock that is hurtling through space at impossible speeds while simultaneously providing all of us with the means to be alive. It’s also a day to reflect on how we can help the planet continue to survive as we continue to expand across its lands and use up its resources. Seeing as how the conservation of Earth is such an important thing, it is our home after all, even some video game developers are getting in on spreading the message. Bethesda Softworks put out a brand-new trailer by showing off how you’ll be able to help keep things clean and sustainable while aboard Talos-1 in Prey.

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Thanks to a handy gadget dubbed the Recycler Charge, players will be able to reduce, recycle,and reuse just about everything they come across while exploring Prey’s sprawling space station.  Bodies, Typhon, random instruments, pieces of equipment, and more can be broken down into resources that can be used to create new items to put to use. It turns out that you could even use the Recycler Charge on yourself if you were so inclined, but the developers made sure to note that such an endeavor is “generally ill-advised.”

It’s good to see developers taking the world into consideration, even in games that don’t actually take place within its confines. Prey will be celebrating Earth Day long after today is over.

You can dive into the tense space action, and do a bit of recycling yourself, when Prey hits PS4, Xbox One, and PC on May 5.

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About the author

Ishmael Romero

Just a wandering character from Brooklyn, NY. Fan of horrible Spider-Man games, anime, and corny jokes.

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