
Overwatch and Twitch Fight About Mei on Twitter, GIF War Ensues

They've got no chill.

Overwatch, mei, blozzard

You’ve seen video game companies get into it before on Twitter, most notably throughout last year. It’s taken three weeks, but 2017’s finally got its first spat, courtesy of Overwatch and Twitch. After the former announced its upcoming Chinese New Year event, the latter responded with tremendous excitement.

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And then, Twitch had to rail on Mei, as everyone eventually does when it comes to the ice-based hero. She’s had a rough couple of weeks, given the immense dislike over her holiday-themed costume. (Her ice wall glitch doesn’t do her any favors, either.) Twitch’s railing on her to the personal Overwatch account ended up beginning a new Cold War.

That’s when the Game of Thrones references started.

Oh, this is just the lowest of blows, Twitch.

Call him Hanzo Shimada, father of dragons, shooter of bows.

Both Twitch and the Overwatch Twitter have stopped their back and forth, sadly, but it was fun while it lasted. If you want more laughs from Blizzard’s hero shooter, check out this video of the Offense-class characters as cats during their highlight intros. It’s pretty adorable. If only Mei was included…

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About the author

Justin Carter

Sometimes a writer, always a dork. When he isn't staring in front of a screen for hours, he's probably reading comics or eating Hot Pockets. So many of them.
