Today, during a livestream from Tokyo Game Show, Koei Tecmo announced that its strategy game Nobunaga’s Ambition: Shinsei won’t hit the shelves this year.
When it was announced back in March, the game was given a 2021 release window, but today we learn that it will actually launch (at least in Japan) in early 2022.
The delay was announced with a new trailer showcasing gameplay and the usual massive amount of daimyo.
You can watch it below.
If you’re unfamiliar with the series, it debuted with the first Nobunaga’s Ambition all the way back in 1983.
The latest game of the series is Nobunaga’s Ambition: Taishi, released in 2017.
It’ll be interesting to see how Kou Shibusawa and his team are planning to bring about the “rebirth” of the series (that’s what “Shinsei” means).
We know that it will be produced by Kenichi Ogasawara, who mentioned earlier this year that one of the goals for the game is to encourage fans in the era of the pandemic, while the meaning of the title indicates a new challenge toward the creation of a brave new world.
Platforms and pricing details for Nobunaga’s Ambition: Shinsei have not been disclosed for the moment.