
No Man’s Sky Player Discoveries Are Getting Wiped After Some Time

No Man's Findings, more like.

While playing No Man’s Sky, you may get the urge to travel to your very first star system and planet where you began the game. You get into view and learn that all the discoveries you made on that single planet were wiped away. The name of the planet was the same, but the animals, plants, everything else you’ve named had been wiped. That’s what one Reddit user found out, and going off that thread, they aren’t the only one with this problem, as several other users have said the same thing.

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Even traveling to neighboring star systems showed that the names and systems were the same as they were, but everything else on those planets had reset. Exactly how long they’ve been reset is unclear–the game has been out for nearly three weeks–and the reasoning as to why (a bug or something intended), or if it’s specific to a certain system, hasn’t been said. The user who pointed out this problem, Dark_Nexis, says they were playing on the PS4, but so far, no PC players have said if the issue has affected them.

Hello Games hasn’t said anything about this latest issue, but once they do, we’ll let you know. If they aren’t aware of it already, let them know at their support page for No Man’s Sky. Good thing they hired more members for their quality assurance team.

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About the author

Justin Carter

Sometimes a writer, always a dork. When he isn't staring in front of a screen for hours, he's probably reading comics or eating Hot Pockets. So many of them.
