
Mega Bloks Lets You Make a Tiny Destiny Guardian

So deadly, and adorable.


Part of the fun of video games is when you get to customize a character look however you want. For example, even though Destiny had a limited number of choices to customize your Guardian compared to some other games, it was still fun to just stay in the menu and add different facial features to your hero. With Mega Bloks selling sets of the shared world shooter later this year, there’s only one thing left: create your own tiny Guardian.

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The toy company’s new website lets you mix and match different body pieces to create your own avatar that you can download for yourself or use on the website. Not only can you choose from weapons and armor, but you can also make your own Ghost (Nolan North not included). At the moment, the Hunter class has been made the most. Wanna recreate your own Destiny hero or make a new one? Just go here.

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About the author

Justin Carter

Sometimes a writer, always a dork. When he isn't staring in front of a screen for hours, he's probably reading comics or eating Hot Pockets. So many of them.
