
League of Legends: Arcade Ahri and Corki Skin Splash Arts Revealed [Updated]

New Arcade skins are heading to the Rift.

League of Legends Arcade Ahri

[Update] Riot’s gone ahead and released an Instagram video for Arcade Ahri, Corki, and Ezreal featuring awesome battle and recall animations for the trio.

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It looks like two new Arcade skins are heading to League of Legends. Splash art for Ahri and Corki both appeared on the PBE LCU Alpha today, and while neither was accompanied by an official Arcade name, the pixels and fearless use of neon make it a safe bet.

Unlike other Arcade skin splashes, Ahri’s features a game HUD complete with lives and a minimap featuring Final Boss Veigar and Lulu, who doesn’t herself have an Arcade skin (yet?). Meanwhile, Corki’s Reconnaissance Operations Front-Line Copter (ROFL Copter) is now a digital space jet.

Both Ahri and Corki will be joining the rest of the Arcade lineup, which so far includes Arcade Hecarim, Miss Fortune, Riven, Sona, Battle Boss Blitzcrank, and Final Boss Veigar. You can check out both of their splashes below, courtesy of Surrender @20.

League of Legends Arcade Ahri
via Surrender @20
League of Legends Arcade Corki
via Surrender @20

It seems the PBE may have jumped the gun on these skin releases, as well. Riot Games Development Manager Riot Ve1vet chimed in on Twitter saying, “it was unintentional 🙁 well hope people are hyped, more details to come.”

It’s important to remember that things that appear on the League of Legends PBE aren’t guaranteed to come to the live game, though it’s unlikely these splash arts will just vanish into thin air.

In other news, LoL’s newest champion Kled is kind of a psychopath. You can check out 35 disturbing quotes of his over here. FOR THE BRAIN WEASELS!

More League of Legends

About the author

Sharon Coone

Local Editor in Chief. B.S. in Biology, B.A. in Philosophy, and always within 20 feet of a bagel. Kind of like a reverse restraining order, but with carbs. You can reach her at [email protected]
