
Halo Infinite Director “Super Confident” and “Enthusiastic” With Game’s Evolution

Halo Infinite

Revealed at E3 in 2018, Halo Infinite is one Xbox’s most highly anticipated titles. While we don’t have a lot of concrete facts about the game (like, for example, its release date), we are starting to get a little taste of what we can expect.

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During a lengthy Twitter thread on Saturday, the game’s director Frank O’Connor spoke about some of the design decisions that have been made regarding Infinite’s multiplayer component. “Player style is subjective and broad,” O’Connor said, “and must be accounted for in everything from initial design proposals to final schemes and matchmaking performance.”

“Everything is connected, and top-tier players are stacked on a pyramid of different styles and preferences,” O’Connor remarked. He went on to say that “options help, but the core game loop must also be good, and that will be true no matter what changes are made to the next game, and should be at least fairly considered when having conversations, as should campaign content and player options/choices.”

Developer 343 Industries have been keeping details of the next installment in the storied Halo franchise very close to their chest. We do know that the game is being developed on the new Slipstream engine and that it will feature four-player split-screen, which seems almost anachronistic in this day and age.

It was also revealed that the game would feature customization options inspired by Halo: Reach, which had featured the most detailed customization options yet seen in the series. This was revealed during a Mixer livestream back in December, and you can check out the whole thing here if you are so inclined.

You can read Frank’s thread in its entirety here.  And while we don’t know a lot about Halo Infinite, we do know that it will be different from most modern triple-A shooters in that it won’t have a Battle Royale mode.

About the author

Khayl Adam

Khayl Adam is an Australian games writer, and he plays ALL of the games. He is a denizen of the Meta-Verse, a veteran of the Total Wars, and a graduate of the prestigious Balamb Garden SeeD Academy. He writes about his life-long love affair with video games in the name of
