
Destiny 2 Teases the Possibility of a Third Darkness Subclass

Complete the trio of Darkness subclasses please!

Destiny 2 Strand
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Destiny 2’s Lightfall DLC is rapidly closing in, and so is the arrival of the second Darkness subclass, Strand. Strand looks to be just as powerful, if not more, and just as much fun as Stasis was when Beyond Light was released a couple of years back.

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However, in a recent interview with Press Start, Bungie teases the possibility we could be seeing a sixth subclass join the fray in the future. In this conversation, Bungie Design Lead Kevin Yanes and Features Lead Eric Smith were both asked numerous questions regarding the upcoming Lightfall DLC.

One of these questions included whether or not they were looking to add another “big fantasy,” meaning subclass, into the game.

“If you’d asked me this after Stasis, I wouldn’t have even been remotely putting myself in the mindset of what Strand could be. I think, should we sit down and think about a space of a new power, I have all the all the confidence in the world that the team we’ve assembled on combat gameplay can pull it off.” 

Of course, this could be a coy response, given that development for a subclass takes well over a year, and if they were looking to release it for next year’s Final Shape DLC, production would have already started it. The Final Shape DLC is currently slated as the last known DLC for the game, even though Bungie has stated it will not be the end of Destiny 2, just the end of the Light and Darkness saga that has occurred since Destiny 1.

Either way, adding one more subclass would make sense, since it ending the saga with three Light subclasses and only two Darkness subclasses wouldn’t feel right. While back-to-back years of new subclasses would also be a far stretch, it’s safe to assume Bungie has something in store for next year.

About the author

Joe Thomaselli

A fresh college graduate with a passion for Destiny 2, Joe has only been writing professionally for a short time. That doesn't stop him from covering everything regarding the looter shooter, and more.
