
Bungie’s Destiny Livestream Is Raising Money For St. Jude’s Today

For the kids, Guardian.

Destiny, Rise of Iron Gjallahorn

Destiny is a perfect game to livestream, and today, that’s what a group of gamers are doing for St. Jude’s Hospital. The Bungie Foundation, a group of employees dedicated to reduce distress and suffering in children through entertainment, are hosting a charity stream today in order to raise a ton of money.

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Every donation from an employee is going to be matched by Bungie the company. Currently, the streamers are on the Podcast Panel part of their schedule. They’ve got more cool stuff planned for the rest of the day. At time of writing, the stream has exceeded their $400,000 donation and are at over $460,000. It’s sure to climb even higher as the day goes on.

If you want to watch the Destiny stream for yourself, just go ahead and click here. If you just want to donate to St. Jude’s in general, go ahead and click riiiiiiight here.

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About the author

Justin Carter

Sometimes a writer, always a dork. When he isn't staring in front of a screen for hours, he's probably reading comics or eating Hot Pockets. So many of them.
