
Battlefield 1 Will Star “More Battlefield, More Choice”

Story is key.

Battlefield 1 is set during WWI, a marked departure from the series, which has typically eschewed more towards WWII and the present day (plus a little dip into the future). This new entry goes global during the Great War, and DICE plans on living up to the expectations that the name comes with.

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At their world premiere, they stressed that the new game will feature “more Battlefield” in its story mode, along with more player agency and more choice. Exactly what that means, whether in terms of possibly having branching narratives or something else to give players choice, is unknown. But they did say that the game will give “different perspectives of this era and their stories”. Fortunately, they said that they’ll definitely have more to say in the coming months, so don’t worry about how annoyingly vague it sounds.

We’ll report more on Battlefield 1 as more information pours out from DICE’s live stream.

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About the author

Justin Carter

Sometimes a writer, always a dork. When he isn't staring in front of a screen for hours, he's probably reading comics or eating Hot Pockets. So many of them.
