
WoW Battle for Azeroth: Best New Allied Races Ranked from Worst to Best

WoW Battle for Azeroth, Best New Allied Races

WoW Battle for Azeroth: Best New Allied Races Ranked

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6. Mag’Har Orcs

With the recent release of World of Warcraft’s latest expansion Battle For Azeroth, Blizzard has introduced a new set of races known as Allied Races. These are different versions of the races you already know and love from the World of Warcraft series.

Lets take a look at the best and worst Allied races in World of Warcraft Battle For Azeroth. Currently only six of the eight Allied Races are available. The Kul Tiras Humans and Zandalari Trolls will be coming soon.

It’s important to say that none of these new Allied Races are bad, but some prove more useful than others in more situations. Looking at the racial traits of each of these new races is important to see what type of toolkit they would work best with.

Looking at the Mag’Har Orcs racial traits it comes equipped with:

  • Ancestral Call- Invoke the spirit of your ancestors, granting you their power for 15 seconds
  • Open Skies- Increase mounted speed by 10%
  • Savage Blood- Reduce the duration of poisons, diseases, and curses by 10%
  • Sympathetic Vigor- Increase pet health by 10%

These traits won’t provide a significant advantage to playing any specific class with the exception of Sympathetic Vigor, which would help Hunters and Warlocks keep their pets alive longer. However 10% is not a game changer, and it wouldn’t provide any sort of meaningful reason to roll a Mag’Har Orc.

Of course, there is more than just racial traits to look at when evaluating your choices. Players like to look at everything being offered to them with a race such as mounts, armor, and location.

The Mag’Har Orc’s are given the Warsong Clan Armor set which can be seen in the picture above. As well as the Mag’Har Direwolf which is arguably the coolest thing about this Allied Race.

The Mag’Har Orc makes the bottom of the list because it doesn’t seem to shine in any specific role it could be given, and for the amount players have to grind to unlock these races you’re probably better going in another direction. 

WoW Battle for Azeroth: Best New Allied Races Ranked

5. Dark Iron Dwarves

The Dark Iron Dwarves have a few stand out features that will catch a player’s eye, but not enough to land them on the top half of the list.  The Dark Iron Dwarves just simply don’t have enough versatility to be an advantage over some of the other Allied Races. Their racial traits are as followed:

  • Dungeon Delver: While indoors, move 4% faster
  • Fireblood: Removes all poison, disease, curse, magic, and bleed effects and increases your primary stat by 750 and an additional 250 for each effect removed. Lasts 8 sec.
  • Forged in Flames: Reduces damage taken from physical attacks by 1%
  • Mass Production: Increase Blacksmithing skill by 5 and Blacksmithing speed by 25%

Forged in Flames is the obvious star of these traits, but is it enough to really warrant making a new character? Taking 1% less damage from physical attacks is a nice perk, but with the rest of those traits it just doesn’t seem like its worth the time unless you want the Dark Iron Core Hound mount.

WoW Battle for Azeroth: Best New Allied Races Ranked

4. Lightforged Draenei

The Lightforged Draenei’s toolkit and aesthetic only slightly edge out the Dark Iron Dwarves but really not by much. With a lot of these decisions it really will come down to whether you play Alliance or Horde and what Allied Race can actually be the class you want to play. Well, with the Lightforged Draenei’s racial traits its pretty clear which class you should be.

  • Holy Resistance: Reduce Holy damage taken by 1%
  • Demonbane: Experience gains from killing Demons increased by 20%
  • Forge of Light: Summon a Forge of Light, enabling Blacksmithing
  • Light’s Reckoning: Erupt with Light upon death. Deals 33251 Holy damage to enemies within 8 yards and heals allies for 33251.
  • Light’s Judgement: Call down a strike of Holy energy, dealing [Attack power * 3 *(1 + Versatility)] Holy damage to enemies within 5 yards after 3 sec.

Paladins will have the most to gain from the Lightforged Draenei’s racial traits. Dealing Holy damage is the Paladin’s bread and butter. With there armor and spells powering up their Holy attacks these traits will be a nice compliment to their toolkit and help give them some more options in battle.

The Lightforged Draenei also come equipped with the Lightforged armor and the Lightforged Felcrusher mount.

WoW Battle for Azeroth: Best New Allied Races Ranked

3. Void Elves

Void Elves have one of the most powerful racial traits we’re going to talk about in this article. That power combined with the Void Elves dark aesthetic made it an easy choice for the top three. Lets take a look at the Void Elves racial traits:

  • Spatial Rift: Tear a rift in space. Reactivate this ability to teleport through the rift.
  • Chill of Night: Reduces Shadow damage taken by 1%
  • Entropic Embrace: our abilities have a chance to empower you with the essence of the Void, causing your damage and healing effects to deal an additional 5% as Shadowfrost for 12 sec sec.
  • Ethereal Connection: Reduces the cost of Void Storage and Transmogrification by 50%
  • Preternatural Calm: Your Spell casts are not delayed when taking damage.

Preternatural Calm is the racial trait that make Void elves just a notch above the Allied Races already on this list. This is a great trait to have on any caster class. The ability to get a spell off while still taking damage can be huge for entire groups of players in a raid with that same racial trait. Sometimes getting that last bit of damage off on a boss can be the difference between a clear and a wipe.

It should also be noted that the rest of these traits are solid and work well together. For aesthetic purposes, having 50% off the cost of Transmogrification is a huge deal for anyone who is always looking to change up their style.

The Void Elves also come equipped with the Ren’dorei armor set and Starcursed Voidstrider mount.

WoW Battle for Azeroth: Best New Allied Races Ranked


The Nightbourne take the number two spot for a few reasons. First of all the Nightbourne were an integral part of Legion’s storyline. So finally being able to play as one of the Nightbourne is a great payoff after all these years. Looking at the Nightbourne’s racial traits there is a lot to like:

  • Cantrips: Conjure up an Eldritch Grimoire, allowing you mail access for 1.5 min
  • Ancient History: Inscription skill increased by 15
  • Magical Affinity: Increases magical damage dealt by 1%
  • Arcane Resistance: Reduces Arcane damage taken by 1%
  • Arcane Pulse: Deals (Attack power * 0.5) Arcane damage to nearby enemies and reduces their movement speed by 50%. Lasts 12 sec.

The main takeaway from those traits is the Magical Affinity trait. Dealing 1% more damage across the board on magical damage is huge. While of course this only really effects the spell caster classes, it still makes a huge difference. 1% may not seem like a lot, but when none of the other Allied Races before Nightbourne on this list can offer something comparable it makes a huge difference.

Of course the Nightbourne also come with the a mount and armor like every other Allied race on this list. Their armor is called the Shal’dorei armor and their mount is the Nightbourne Manasaber. 

WoW Battle for Azeroth: Best New Allied Races Ranked

1: Highmountain Tauren

The Highmountain Tauren take it home with the number one spot. The Highmountain Tauren are not only an iconic race in the World of Warcraft, but honestly they have the most diverse and powerful toolkit to offer players willing to make the grind.

  • Bull Rush: Charge forward for 1 second, knocking enemies down for 1.5 sec
  • Pride of Ironhorn: Mining skill increased by 15, and allows you to mine faster
  • Mountaineer: Increase your Versatility by 1%
  • Rugged Tenacity: Reduce damage taken
  • Waste Not, Want Not: You have a chance to loot additional meat and fish

Mountaineer is the single best trait out of any of the Allied Races, which is why Highmountain Tauren receives the number one slot. Versatility is a secondary attribute that was introduced in the Warlords of Draenor expansion. If you are given 1% more versatility that means you deal 1% more damage, you heal for 1% more health, and you take 1% less damage across the board. The Highmountain Tauren just give you a free percent of versatility and that actually goes a long way. Not to mention Bull Rush which is a great stun ability to have in case you find yourself in a sticky situation.

The Highmountain Tauren also don their own set of unique armor and they ride the Highmountain Thunderhoof.

For more tips, tricks, and guides be sure to search Twinfinite.

About the author

Jesse Vitelli

Jesse has a B.F.A in Arts Management, a love for all things burritos, and an unreasonable Amiibo collection. His skills include but are not limited to writing about video games, RPG grinding, and being constantly dehydrated.

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