
We Happy Few: Combat Tips and Tricks

We Happy Few is all about survival and escape (and sometimes combat). You are dropped into a twisted, alternate England where the Germans invaded during WWII and caused a heap of trouble. To escape, the English had to do a Very Bad Thing, so to cope they’ve created Joy, a drug capable of wiping away your guilt as it contorts you into a grinning madman.

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Any sane person would know to steer clear of any of the Wellies (those who take Joy) and Bobbies (police) that may cross their paths. As is the case in most survival games, combat is not something that usually favors the player. It is a last resort when you need to get things done and violence is the only recourse. Unfortunately, you won’t always be given the option. You may do something unknowingly and find yourself surrounded by people who want nothing more than to kill you.

Combat can be unforgiving, though, so we’ve put together some helpful tips to keep you alive and your enemies at bay.

Item Preparation is Key

Combat Tips and Tricks for We Happy Few

we happy few

In We Happy Few, players are given access to an inventory from which they can craft and equip useful items, tools, and weapons. When heading out into the open world, it’s a good idea to have everything sorted out first. Have a weapon in your weapon slot, and in your quick slots place a healing item and perhaps something you can throw (such as rocks or bricks).

Unfortunately, when you first start the game you can only equip one weapon. You may be thinking that you can easily just equip another when it breaks, because it will most certainly break, but that’s not really true. Bringing up your inventory does not pause the game (this isn’t Fallout 4 you know) so you’ll be attacked while trying to equip. Seeing as how it takes about four seconds to equip a weapon in We Happy Few, it will rarely finish since it’s interrupted each time you’re hit. With that in mind, make sure that the weapon you do equip is at peak durability. This allows for more hits before it shatters into splinters.

As for your throwables, items that can stack are best. Rocks, bricks, things of that nature. While bottles are useful, you can only place one in a slot, and you will definitely want more than one. 

Padded Suits

Combat Tips and Tricks for We Happy Few

we happy few

As you progress through We Happy Few, you’ll gain access to different outfits that each offer different pros and cons. One of the outfits is called the Padded Suit. It’s basically a Proper Suit that’s been stuffed with extra linen. It has quite a few cons, the main one being that everyone (Wastrels, Wellies, and Bobbies) will become instantly alert and most will immediately go on the offensive. The pros are that the damage you receive will be drastically reduced. That means you’ll be able to go toe-to-toe without worrying about dying in only three hits.

One thing to note about the Padded Suit is that it takes time to equip. Clothing takes longer to switch than weapons, meaning this isn’t something you can change into once the problems start. This will only benefit you when you find a location where a more brutish approach is the best option. 

Aim for the Head

Combat Tips and Tricks for We Happy Few

we happy few

The thing about heads is that they don’t like getting hit. Whether it’s by your fists or some weapon, beating an enemy in their head is the best way to do massive damage. As we’ve mentioned before, weapons break, and quite easily. Because of that, you’ll want to put each and every one to the best possible use in We Happy Few.

It’s a good thing that while combat in We Happy Few is tough, it isn’t incredibly fast-paced. You’ll have ample time to position yourself in a way where you can get a healthy swing at your closest attacker’s head. Do not panic and start swinging wildly, just wait and line up those shots. If you’re lucky, you will even be able to hit multiple enemies in the head with one swing.

Another benefit of headshots is that they have a higher chance of knocking enemies down. An enemy on the floor is extra vulnerable, allowing you either a chance to finish them off or to get the heck out of dodge. 

Weapons Kill, Fists Knock Out

Combat Tips and Tricks for We Happy Few

we happy few

When going into combat you may have different goals. Perhaps you’re just looking to put a few civilians to sleep so you can raid their cupboards for some food and other resources. Other times you may need to permanently rid an area of certain individuals such as a wandering Bobby or an overly attentive Welly. Depending on whether or not you want them dead or alive, you’ll have to choose between weapons and fists.

Weapons will always kill. It doesn’t matter if you hit your enemy in the arm or leg, they will die. After some time they will start to rot and flies will appear around them, drawing suspicion. Your fists, no matter how many times you punch someone in the head, will only leave them unconscious for a short while. Keep in mind that they don’t stay knocked out for too long. A few minutes at most, and then they will react to your presence. However, if you knock them out and return another time they won’t be any the wiser. 

The Joy of Stealth Takedowns

Combat Tips and Tricks for We Happy Few

we happy few

There is a way of taking out enemies without having to actually confront them. We Happy Few has a stealth takedown mechanic that allows you to quickly incapacitate an NPC silently. All you have to do is sneak up while nobody is hostile and follow the on-screen prompt. This will put them in a choke hold if they’re standing, or smother them with a pillow if they’re in bed (don’t worry it won’t kill them).

This is a useful way to clear out a house and loot things without having to go to war. Keep in mind, though, that this doesn’t seem to work on Bobbies. There may be some item that makes it work later on, but in the beginning, don’t even try. They won’t be alerted to your presence, but you won’t get the prompt either. 

Blocking and Shoving

Combat Tips and Tricks for We Happy Few

we happy few down

Your last line of defense in We Happy Few’s combat are your own two arms. They can be used to block and to push enemies away, both of which are quite useful. Blocking will negate all hand-to-hand damage coming from your front, and minimize damage done with weapons. Simply hold down the left trigger and protect your face. If you block while holding a weapon, you’ll be able to block even more damage, but this will lower its durability, so keep that in mind.

Shoving creates space, but it uses a bit of stamina. It’s very useful when fighting on a flight of stairs, against crowds, or when you’re looking for an opening to flee. Just move in close and click the right thumbstick to send your foe reeling backwards. When on a high location, it’s fun to watch them tumble down to their death. 

Keep an Eye on Your Stamina

Combat Tips and Tricks for We Happy Few

we happy few, xbox one, e3, 2016, combat

The last tip, and quite possibly the most important, is to always keep an eye on your stamina. It only pops up when in use and will appear as a yellow bar at the bottom of your screen with lungs next to it. Running, jumping, shoving, and attacking all use stamina, and this bar shrinks as you become more fatigued.

When in combat, don’t waste your bar on simply swinging. Swing once or twice, then catch a breather. You should always leave enough to run away in case it’s needed. Also, depleting your bar leaves you completely open to attack for a couple of seconds, so there’s that too.

With these tips, you should be able to give any Welly, Wastrel, or Bobby their comeuppance. But, you should still try to avoid combat whenever possible. Remember, the point is to make it out alive.

For more on We Happy Few, be sure to check out our wiki.

About the author

Chris Jecks

Chris is the Managing Editor of Twinfinite. Chris has been with the site and covering the games media industry for eight years. He typically covers new releases, FIFA, Fortnite and any good shooters for the site, and loves nothing more than a good Pro Clubs session with the lads. Chris has a History degree from the University of Central Lancashire. He spends his days eagerly awaiting the release of BioShock 4.
