
Walking Dead Final Season Episode 3: All Collectibles Guide

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Where to Find All Collectibles in Walking Dead Final Season: Episode 3

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Episode 3 of Telltale’s Walking Dead: The Final Season is out now and if you want to get all of the trophies or achievements, you’re going to have to find all of the collectibles. Here’s where to find all collectibles in The Walking Dead Final Season Episode 3.

If you’ve played any of the The Walking Dead, you know that it’s filled with collectibles in each episode. If you’re an achievement or trophy hunter, you know that you’re always tasked with finding all collectibles in each episode.

Sometimes finding them is quite easy and other times, it’s the most difficult thing about the game. Fear not, though. Difficult or not, we’ve found all of the ones you need in Episode 3 of the Final Season.

Collectible 1: School Pennant

When you start Episode 3, you’ll begin as Clementine and you’ll find that you’re in a room. Once you get control of Clementine, immediately look to the wall on your left.

There should be some storage boxes stacked up against the wall and just above the highest stack, you should spot a red and white triangle flag. This is a School Pennant and it is the first collectible to find.

The Walking Dead Final Season Episode 3 Collectibles

Collectible 2: Sketch Pad

The next item you’re looking for is just a few steps away. Head forward into the main area until you reach what looks like a water heater or boiler.

It’s large and metal. While facing the front of it, turn around and look at the shelf.

Walk up to this shelf and hidden underneath a storage box lid is an etch-a-sketch toy. Pick up this item and you’ll have collected the Sketch Pad collectible. The Walking Dead Final Season Episode 3 Collectibles

Collectible 3: Horseshoe

To find this item, you must progress a bit further into the episode. When you reach the part of the episode where Clementine must spy on the raiders, you’ll be crouched in an open patch of forest.

Once you gain control, immediately turn around and look for a tree that has fallen. Walk toward it while looking at the ground and in a few steps, on top of some rocks, you should spot a horseshoe.

The Walking Dead Final Season Episode 3 Collectibles

Collectible 4: Rabbit’s Foot

The rabbit’s foot you’re looking for is near the horseshoe. After finding the horseshoe, turn around and go back to where you started this part of the episode.

Turn right and head toward your ally. When you’re about six feet away from it, just a tad to the right and on the ground is the rabbit’s foot you’re looking to pick up.The Walking Dead Final Season Episode 3 Collectibles

Collectible 5: Toy

To find this item, proceed further into the episode until you reach the barn with a character leaning on the front door. Walk past this person and directly to this person’s right (your left), is some stacks of hay.

Walk over to the hay and on the ground, you should spot a toy that you can pick up.

The Walking Dead Final Season Episode 3 Collectibles

Collectible 6: Wind Chimes

After collecting the toy, go to the other side of the barn. Walk past the kid crouched on the ground and then immediately go to the side of the barn.

Walk directly alongside the barn and in a few steps, you should spot some wind chimes hanging. Pick this up and then you’re done finding all collectibles in Episode 3 because that was the last one.

The Walking Dead Final Season Episode 3 Collectibles

For more information about The Walking Dead Final Season, be sure to search for Twinfinite and check out our impressions of the latest episode.

About the author

Wesley LeBlanc

Wesley LeBlanc is a graduate of the University of North Florida with a Bachelor's Degree in Multimedia Journalism. He has a passion for entertainment and the industry surrounding it. He's either playing video games or writing about them. When he isn't doing that, he's reading about them. Get a life, right?
