
Street Fighter 5 Arcade Edition: All New V-Trigger Moves

All New V-Trigger Moves in Street Fighter 5: Arcade Edition

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Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition is out, and it is the most complete and polished version of the game to-date. Featuring a new Arcade Mode that celebrates the series’ history, and all of the game’s season 1, and season 2, DLC fighters.

Most importantly though, for those of you in this article, Street Fighter 5: Arcade Edition also includes new, second V-Trigger moves for each fighter. These can be selected through the Character Select screen prior to battle.

In order to pull these off, hold down R1 and R2 at the same time. Below is a full list of all the New V-Trigger Moves in Street Fighter 5: Arcade Edition  and how to use them via Capcom. Check them out below (and visit Capcom for the full description and hints), and good luck pulling them off to full effect. For more Street Fighter 5: Arcade Edition guides and FAQ answers, be sure to search Twinfinite.


All New V-Trigger Moves in Street Fighter 5: Arcade Edition

Ryu (Kakko Fubatsu) – While active, press HP + HK to use Isshin, a technique that counters the opponent’s attacks. Upon countering an attack, a shockwave of energy will be released around Ryu. If this shockwave hits the opponent, Ryu will perform a strike attack. Using Isshin, Ryu can counter everything except throws, giving him a highly functional defensive option. The opponent will be vulnerable to additional attacks after the Isshin strike, making for a great opportunity to deal major damage.

Chun-Li (Kikosho) – Chun-Li fires a ball of energy from both her hands in this V-Trigger. Press HP + HK to fire another Kikosho. For Kikosho after V-Trigger activation, hold down the buttons HP + HK, and Kikosho will gain guard break properties. The opponent will be vulnerable afterwards, giving Chun-Li an opportunity to deal additional damage.

Nash (Stealth Dash) – With Stealth Dash, Nash quickly moves towards his opponent. During movement, press punch for Justice Corridor, a strong overhead punch move, or press kick for Justice Shell, a kick that launches the opponent. Press back for a quick stop, making this V-Trigger great for high-speed movement options.

M. Bison (Psycho Nightmare) – While active, press HP + HK to perform the Psycho Crusher special move. Bison also gains Psycho Charge – press reverse half circle (forward to back) plus kick to perform a command throw that infuses the opponent with Psycho Power.

Cammy (Delta Ambush) – Press HP + HK for Delta Ambush, where Cammy flies towards her opponent. Press forward plus HP + HK for Delta Step, a quick forward dash. Although there are no move variations from Delta Step, Cammy can cancel her normal moves from the dash. Use it in combos, or to help her keep up a fast-paced offensive rush.

Birdie (Birdie Time) – While in Birdie Time, press HP + HK to perform a new chain attack. Bull Swing is a high chain attack and allows for follow-up attacks, while Bull Capture is a low-hitting chain attack that targets the opponent’s feet. Use the directional buttons for the different versions.

Ken (Shinryuken) – Shinryuken is a powerful, multi-hit rising Shoryuken. If it hits, rapidly press punch to change the properties of the move.

Necalli (Clouded Mirror) – Starting with Arcade Edition, Clouded Mirror is a special move Necalli gains after activating his V-Trigger I. It is a ranged attack, where Necalli jumps at his opponent with a strike. Hold down the buttons to greatly increase the move’s strength. Necalli can juggle the opponent after the max strength version hits. Since it has quite a bit of startup, use together with Culminated Power to avoid having the opponent take advantage of the startup.

All New V-Trigger Moves in Street Fighter 5: Arcade Edition

Vega (Alegrias) – While active, press HP + HK to perform Flash Arch – Rossa, which will counter the opponent’s attack, or perform the counter attack independently with Flash Arch – Granate (forward plus HP + HK).

R. Mika (Steel Chair) – Nadeshiko will run out from behind Mika and throw a steel chair at the opponent. Hold down the button for Fightin’ Dirty, where Nadeshiko will run up to the opponent and take two swings at them with the steel chair.

Karin (Tenha no Kata) – While active, Karin will be able to use her counter move Yasha Gaeshi Tenchi by pressing HP + HK. What Karin does afterwards will change depending on the type of attack she counters. Countering a low attack results in Yasha Gaeshi Chi, while all other attacks will result in Yasha Gaeshi Ten. Both moves can be canceled into from the recovery of her special moves and V-Skill, so Karin can turn situations where she’s normally at a disadvantage, into her favor.

Rashid (Easifa) – Easifa strengthens Rashid’s kick special moves while active. Press HP + HK to perform Haboob, a wind projectile that has a different trajectory than his Whirlwind Shot.

Zangief (Cossack Muscle) – Cossack Muscle changes the properties of Screw Pile Driver and Borscht Dynamite. The effects last until the V-Gauge Timer runs out, or if one of the aforementioned special moves is successfully hit.

Dhalsim (Yoga Sansara) – Dhalsim creates a multi-hit orb of fire in front of him. This V-Trigger can also be performed in the air. Hitting the fire orb with Yoga Flame or Yoga Gale will change its properties.

Laura (Shock Stance) – While active, Laura will be able to perform the dodge maneuver Matsuda Sway by pressing HP + HK. During Matsuda Sway, press HP + HK again to perform the command throw Shock Choke. Matsuda Sway dodges non-throw attacks. Press forward with MP + MK during Matsuda Sway for a forward dash. Shock Choke can be performed from the dash, so Laura can use this to avoid her opponent’s big attacks and close the distance.

F.A.N.G (Koryo Dokuda) – Nishikyu and Ryobenda will be strengthened while active. With an increase in hits and the attack hitbox, this improves F.A.N.G’s ability to restrict his opponents movements.

Alex (Rage Boost) – While in Rage Boost, Alex will gain the moves Flying DDT –  HP + HK, and Choke Sleeper –  HP + HK. Flying DDT is a moving throw that works against standing opponents. In addition to being a surprising mid-range attack, Flying DDT can be canceled from moves that cause a lot of hit stun, resulting in somewhat long-range combo ability. Choke Sleeper can be performed only after Flash Chop on hit or block, and on hit leaves Alex in close to continue his offensive pressure. Choke Sleeper only hits close range, so be mindful of the range at which the Flash Chop hits.

Ibuki (Fuma Shuriken) – Ibuki will throw a giant shuriken at the opponent, which comes back after going off-screen. Press HP + HK for Fuma Shuriken – Haku, which is for use against grounded opponents, and press back plus HP + HK for Fuma Shuriken – Kokufu, which is angled upwards for anti-air usage.

Guile (Knife Edge) – Knife Edge is a power-up V-Trigger for Guile’s Somersault Kick. The Somersault Kick will create a projectile that will be fired towards the opponent. This projectile can be on screen at the same time as Sonic Boom and Sonic Cross.

Urien (Tyrant Pressure) – While active, Urien gains the special move Tyrant Blaze, a multi-hit tackle attack. Hold down the buttons to charge the move – Urien will have super armor while charging, and charging changes the move properties. While charging, Urien will have super armor, allowing him to absorb an attack. A maximum-charge Tyrant Blaze will guard break the opponent and put them into a juggle state.

Juri (Feng Shui Engine Beta) – Juri emits a field around her that drains her opponent’s EX gauge, taking it for her own.

Balrog (No Mercy) – While active, press HP + HK for the command throw B3.

All New V-Trigger Moves in Street Fighter 5: Arcade Edition

Akuma (Shiretsu Hasshi) – Using Shiretsu Hasshi, Akuma can link together powerful attacks using the V-Timer instead of the EX gauge. Grounded HP/HK attacks and each of his special moves can be canceled into EX special moves.

Kolin (Absolute Zero) – While active, Kolin’s punch attacks and Hailstorm will be strengthened. Additionally, she has a forward dash where she will slide across the floor on a sheet of ice.  She can also press HP + HK to perform Frost Edge.

Ed (Enhanced Snatcher) – While active, press HP + HK to perform an enhanced version of the Psycho Snatcher, the Ultra Snatcher. Use the directional buttons to change between the ground and anti-air versions.

Abigail (Hybrid Charge) – While active, Abigail will be able to use the powerful tackle move Metro Crash by pressing HP + HK. It can be strengthened to a second level upon holding down the buttons. Abigail will have hyper armor while charging, letting him absorb multiple hits. However, the charge will be vulnerable to throws and Critical Arts. Maximum charge Metro Crash will guard break, and Abigail keeps his hyper armor even while moving forward.

Menat (Prophecy of Thoth) – Prophecy of Thoth surrounds Menat with 6 Soul Power energy orbs. Use Judgement of Thoth to fire them all at once. After Judgement of Thoth, Menat can get a new set of orbs by pressing HP + HK.

Zeku (Karura Tenzan) – Both Old and Young Zeku share the same V-Trigger, Karura Tenzan. Upon activation Zeku moves forward with a launcher kick. If it connects, Zeku will switch identities and continue attacking.

About the author

Ed McGlone

Ed McGlone was with Twinfinite from 2014 to 2022. Playing games since 1991, Ed loved writing about RPGs, MMOs, sports games and shooters.

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