
Overwatch Lucioball 2018: Tips and Tricks for Beginners & Returning Players


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lucio ball, capo lucioball, tips and tricks

While it’s tempting to run after the ball wherever it may be on the field, there are three roles each player should be mindful of when they join a Lucioball team. One player should hang back and stick in the goal, another in the midfield to boop back balls into the enemy side when the other team is on the offensive, and the final is the attack player who stays near the enemy goal harassing the goalie to keep pressure on the enemy defensive players.

By always being aware of the existence of these roles and filling the role that’s needed, you will find you are much more likely to win the games you play. This will be much easier if you are familiar with your other two teammates, but if you happen to be solo-queuing then there is something else you should keep in mind. You MUST fill the role that is needed, even if you don’t necessarily want to be it. It’s not fair when you have to be the goalie for 10 games in a row when you would rather be attacking, but if you want to win and both of your teammates are ignoring the net, you’re going to have to toughen up and step up.

You might also find you are really good at being a specific role, but if another player is assuming that role already, make sure not to be too stubborn and stick too close just because you want them to leave the net or midfield. Being too close to your teammates can cause the ball to ricochet unpredictably when it would be easier to plan your shots when everyone is spread out.

Having good placement on the field with you and your teammates is half the battle, so make sure you all communicate this and organize yourselves accordingly.



In Lucioball, using your ult gives Lucio a speed boost so you can dart around the field much faster than everyone else. You usually get your ult only one or two times during any normal match, so make sure to not pop it off right when you get it, and instead plan out when you are going to use it effectively.

Some good times to use it include right after kickoff after a goal, so you can approach a stationary ball and angle it exactly as you wish without other players interfering, when chasing after a ball that is heading to your net with no goalie for a last second save, or during a classic stretch down the field on the full offensive push.

If possible, make sure to communicate when you plan to use your ult. If the person playing goalie gets it, they should switch off with the attack of midfield player for a bit so they can get a good use of it instead of just holding onto it for the entirety of the match despite mainly staying in one area.



Lucioball, Overwatch, Blizzard

There are a few ways for a goalie to be more successful in Lucioball. These include (almost) always pointing your gun in an upwards position so you can boop the ball away properly, making proper use of the jump pad in the actual net so you can use the top of the net to stop you from jumping widely, and waiting to use your ult until it is safe to step away from the net.

However, the most important tip for a goalie is to no step too far out of the net to meet a ball. Instead, let the ball come to you so you can better aim it away without sacrificing your position. There’s nothing worse then leaving the net even by a few feet to shoot the ball away and messing up the angle, leaving an enemy offense player some space to push in while you wait on your cooldowns to get a close, easy goal.

Being the goalie is also the role in which you have to be the most aware of your boop cooldown. When you have enemy players near your goal pressuring you, timing that boop can mean the difference between an easy goal against you and launching the ball across the entire field to free yourself from danger. Keep track of when the enemy player have used their boops, and try to use yours after them if possible. This will ensure you are never left vulnerable, and any aggressive shot can be immediately countered.



lucio ball, capo lucioball, tips and tricks

When playing a game where the goalie has proven themselves decent at preventing straight-on lob shots from going in, make sure not to keep shooting the ball the same way over and over in a predictable fashion. Instead, make use of the angles of the stadium and bounce the ball into the net in less predictable patterns.

This will make it harder for you to aim directly where you want the ball to go, but the more you practice the more you will get to know how the physics of the game work in relation to both Lucio’s placement near the ball and how the ball’s momentum is affected by the stadium walls. You’ll soon get a feel for that sweet spot, and much like air hockey you will find shooting the ball off the walls will make it less likely the goalie will save it every single time.

For these ricochet shots to work best, make sure you are very close to the ball when you finally hit it. The more speed the ball has after initial impact, the more likely it will then reach the goal at a decent speed and trajectory.



lucio ball, capo lucioball, tips and tricks

There is nothing more frustrating in Lucioball then when you are playing goalie and have a clear line on a returning shot, only for another friendly player to back up and fudge it so it’s still coming towards you, but now the shot is a lot less clear. If you team has a designated goalie, make sure to NOT crowd that space even if you think you are helping.

There is a big difference between helping your goalie by staying low midfield and interrupting incoming offensive players by blocking low shots towards the net. What you should never do is jump up anywhere in the air near the net and try and interrupt a shot when you know your goalie is already somewhere behind you. This adds more confusion for the goalie, and often makes it feel like they have another enemy player to worry about instead of an ally. If you don’t have a clear, low shot to deflect near the net, trust your goalie and let them handle it. If you can’t trust your goalie and they have let in too many shots, communicate that and maybe let someone else try the role for a while.

For more Lucioball tips and tricks, check out our breakdown for Summer Games Lucioball 2017 as well.

About the author

Haley MacLean

Video games are a true unification of art and technology, and I'm amped to be able to write about them. Lover of all things Nintendo, obsessed with narrative driven games, and hopes the couch co-op genre makes a return soon. BA/BJ/MJ from University of King's College, NS, Canada.
