
Overwatch Tips: How to Play Doomfist

Punch your way through the streets in style.

How To Play Doomfist – Overwatch

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Doomfist has just been brought into the Overwatch Testing Realm, and everyone is scrambling to play him as soon as they can. This latest hero is an offensive-type, who takes a very aggressive stance thanks to his lack of range and high mobility. Expect to be spending a lot of time in the air with this guy; he has two abilities that throw him around – and his ultimate is a whole other story. His kit is well-equipped to send enemies flying, meaning he’ll be very useful if you want to try and push through a defensive area.

Doomfist is an extremely offensive hero, but it doesn’t mean he’s without his weaknesses. For one, while his abilities (which have been detailed in-depth on the next page) allow him to fly in and knock the enemy about, he isn’t invincible, so you’re going to need to go in with a plan before you engage on the enemy. Doomfist can knock enemies into the air, backwards, and up, but in most cases, he can only do this to one enemy at a time. If you’re engaging in a teamfight, Doomfist can knock mutliple enemies at once into the air, but it isn’t for long and won’t do much to disrupt their attacks.

One essential thing for you to do as Doomfist is make sure to focus the correct enemy. There’s no need to tunnel-vision onto the enemy Tracer when you won’t be able to hit her with any of your abilities, for example. Heroes who aren’t incredibly mobile, or who are an anchor for a team, will be the ones you need to aim for. An enemy Mercy or Ana would be a good choice, especially since Doomfist can so easily fly over the tops of their defense at blistering speeds.

Doomfist’s Ultimate ability, Meteor Strike, also enables him to move behind enemy lines and deal devastating damage. Whether it’s to engage groups or pick off and destroy the important enemies, you’ll want to save this move for the perfect moment, in-sync with the rest of your team.

After practicing a little, you’ll be able to completely decimate enemies with your extreme mobility and devastating damage. Doomfist is more of a bullying-type hero, who knocks enemies around and harrasses them rather than outright killing them, but he can really do a lot of damage to solo enemies if used correctly.

Your biggest counters will be the likes of Orisa, who has the power to negate all crowd-control type damage, or Sombra, who can completely shut down the use of his abilities. Pharah will probably be his biggest counter, though, since she can just sit in the air just out of Doomfist’s reach. Watch out for Zarya too, who will be able to shut down your damage and convert it into damage for herself. If you see any of these enemies around, it might be a good idea to avoid them or switch to another hero entirely.

Doomfist’s Abilities

Passive: The Best Defense…

Doomfist’s health is already high for an offensive hero at 250, meaning he’s able to get up close and personal with enemies already, but Doomfist has even more survivability in his passive. With every ability casted, except his primary attack, Doomfist gains a temporary shield based upon the amount of damage he’s dealing. This is capped at 400 total health, so if used wisely, Doomfist will be able to survive for much longer in the middle of a group of enemies, dealing damage as he goes. If you consistently attack, you’ll be able to regain your shields, too, giving you an ever-increased chance at surviving fights.

Hand Cannon – Left Click/Right Trigger/R2

Doomfist’s primary attack is Hand Cannon, in which he punches out a few bullets with a shotgun-like spread. It’s nothing incredibly special, with this hero’s abilities shining elsewhere, but it can still do a good amount of damage if you get up close. Hand Cannon only has four rounds, and it reloads very slowly, so you’re going to want to use the shots wisely. It’ll definitely be a good idea to use this move against tanks who have a big body so that you don’t waste your shots easily.

Rocket Punch – Right Click/Left Trigger/L2

For his secondary attack, Doomfist charges his trusty weapon for a time and shoots forwards, dealing damage and knocking enemies backwards a great distance. This ability deals damage upon impact, and if the inflicted enemy hits a wall, the damage will increase further. This ability will probably make up the core of Doomfist’s kit, dealing a good amount of damage and letting you knock the enemy about like a toy. This ability also moves Doomfist a great distance forward if he doesn’t hit anyone, making it great for mobility, too.

Rocket punch will go hand-in-hand with Doomfist’s other ability, Rising Uppercut, which we’ll get into in greater detail in the next page.

Rising Uppercut – Shift/Right Bumper/R1

Doomfist’s left-shift or right bumper ability is Rising Uppercut, which brings the hero into the air in a badass uppercut, hence the name. You can cast this ability on its own to get some air and use other abilities, or use it with an enemy to knock them skywards with you. This ability works brilliantly with Rocket Punch, and using the two in conjunction will give you the chance to fling enemies all over the place, and if well-placed, off ledges and maps. Be careful, though; rising uppercut will place you in the limelight, making enemies more likely to target you and whittle down your health.

Seismic Slam – E/Left Bumper/L1

Your E ability as Doomfist, or your right bumber attack, is Seismic Slam. This ability will fling Doomfist forwards, giving him some air and slamming onto the ground as soon as he makes contact with it. This ability doesn’t do an incredible amount of damage, but it displaces enemies very briefly, throwing them off their course if they are trying to make an escape. You can expect to use Seismic Slam when you’re about to set up for an attack with your team, or when you want to chase off stragglers after a teamfight. It’ll also be useful to escape. When used in conjunction with rising uppercut, you get a handy graphic on the ground that shows you exactly where you’re going to slam to the ground, and the range of damage.

Ultimate: Meteor Strike – Q/Y/Triangle

The latest hero’s ultimate ability is Meteor Strike, in which Doomfist flies up into the air, becoming untargetable for a time. During this, you can move around freely in order to place yourself correctly for a massive smash attack. After you’ve confirmed your strike location, Doomfist triumphantly slams his fist into the ground, dealing massive damage to all enemies in a wide radius.

This ability will be perfect to use in many situations, but will probably work best when the enemy team is distracted in a teamfight. You could also use it mid-fight when you’re in a pinch, to escape from danger and get some respite, before dealing devastating damage to all enemies around you. Oddly enough, this ability can also be used indoors, even when it looks like it shouldn’t be possible, so don’t let a little cover over your head discourage you from using this attack.

Backstory In Overwatch

  • Real Name: Akande Ogundimu, Age: 45
  • Occupation: Mercenary
  • Base of Operations: Oyo, Nigeria
  • Affiliation: Talon

Doomfist is, along with Reaper and a number of unknown villains, one of the leaders of Talon, the evil mercenary company who are pretty much the polar opposite of everything Overwatch Stands for. For a long time, Doomfist was imprisoned, but he’s free now and ready to take his revenge on the world.

Doomfist, who’s real name is Akande Ogundimu, was born into a wealthy Nigerian prosthetics company and studied competitive martial arts, becoming an expert in the craft. Ogundimu lost his right arm in the Omnic Crisis, and while his family helped him recover from his injuries, he was no longer allowed to compete in competitions.

Doomfist isn’t so much as a single character, but the name of an alias to generations of characters. The Doomfist in Overwatch right now is the third iteration, and it was the second Doomfist, Akinjide Adeyemi, that trained him to become a mercenary after he lost his arm. After a time, they joined Talon together, but the organisation saw greater potential in Ogundimu than his master. Ogundimu went on to kill Doomfist #2, taking the weapon and mantle for himself.

After a time commanding Talon forces, Doomfist was taken down by an Overwatch Strike Team fronted by Winston, Tracer, and Genji, and was imprisoned for years. While in prison, he waited, having organised events in the outside world that would eventually come into play. When the time came, he broke out of prison, seized his gauntlet once more and returned to his place in Talon’s leadership circle.

About the author

Sammy Cooper

UK-based fledgling games journalist. Recently graduated with a Games Journalism & PR degree from Staffordshire University. I love all things Nintendo, Overwatch, and Esports!

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