
New Pokemon Snap: How to Take Photos at Camp

How to Take Photos at Camp

While the majority of the photos you’ll be taking throughout New Pokemon Snap will be taken while exploring the colorful environments each course has to offer, you’ll actually be able to take some pictures outside of them as well. Here is everything you need to know about how to take photos at camp in New Pokemon Snap.

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It’s worth noting, though, that this information comes with a very minor spoiler for the game. If you want to avoid this at all costs, focus on progressing through the game until you’ve cleared the Elsewhere Forest content and then continue on with this guide.

How to Take Photos at Camp in New Pokemon Snap

In order to take photos at camp, you’re going to need to unlock the Research Center first. To do this, you’ll need to take a photograph of the Illumina Pokemon at Elsewhere Forest. After you do, you’ll unlock the ability to take photos around the camp at the center.

This isn’t accessible on the map, so you’ll need to head back to the main screen.

Research Center

How to Take Photos at Camp new pokemon snap

When you open the main screen of New Pokemon Snap, there is an option in the top left corner that you can select that takes you to the game’s Research Center. Once there, you’ll be able to do all kinds of stuff, including taking more pictures.

Once you’re at the Research Center, click on the camera in the top left hand corner that says “Take photos here.” Doing so will allow you to go around the camp and take pics of all of the Pokemon there. It is way shorter than a normal course, but you’ll get a lot of cool and unique shots here you wouldn’t find otherwise.

That is everything you need to know about how to take photos at camp in New Pokemon Snap. If you’re still looking for more tips, tricks, and FAQs, be sure to check out our guide wiki.

There should also be some related content down below that you may find helpful. For any questions you can’t find the answer to, always feel free to reach out to us in the comment section and we’ll do our best to help.

About the author

Andrew McMahon

Andrew was Twinfinite's Features Editor from 2020 through until March 2023 and wrote for the site from 2018. He has wandered around with a Bachelor's Degree in Communications sitting in his back pocket for a while now, all the while wondering what he is going to do for a career. Luckily, video games have always been there, especially as his writing career progresses.
