
Monster Hunter World: How to Lock Onto Targets

How to Lock Onto Targets in Monster Hunter World

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Everyone knows that the key to a good adventure is a solid camera control scheme, especially one that allows you to freely move around your surroundings without obstruction. Without it, you’ll crash into things you never see coming or spend a good chunk of your time fiddly adjusting the angle instead of focusing on the task ahead. In a game like Monster Hunter World, it’s important to keep your target in sight if you’re going to effectively take it down, lest it always gets away from you, so the following lock on functions will most definitely come in handy.

You can easily swing the camera around in Monster Hunter World using the right thumb stick to get your bearings. Locking on to a target, which will focus the camera on a chosen monster or character, is as simple as pressing in the right stick (which normally equates to R3 on a controller diagram). No matter where or how you move, you’ll always have your target directly ahead of you until you either click the stick in again to disengage, or the target leaves the area you’re in.

Keep in mind that when you’re locked on to a target in Monster Hunter World, it can be easy to miss time a jump over a gap or obstacle, so learn to constantly skip in and out of the lock on function when it is necessary.

For more on Monster Hunter World, be sure to check out our wiki.

About the author

Mark Isaacson

Freelance writer out of Perth, Western Australia and avid Chocolate enthusiast, with a love for Nintendo that will never die (yes, even THAT movie).
