
Lost Judgment: How to Find the Roaming Body Model

Lost Judgment, Naito, Side Cases, The Body Model Walks at Night, Roaming Body Model

In Lost Judgment, Yagami solves a bunch of really interesting and strange cases. Few are more alluring than that of the rumor that a body model is haunting the halls of Seiryo High School at night. In order to solve this case, Yagami is going to have to do some serious detective work. Here is everything you need to know about how to find the roaming body model in Lost Judgment.

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The Body Model Walks at Night Side Case

At one point, Yagami will overhear students right outside the front right part of the school talking about a body model that walks around the halls of Seiryo High School at night. Obviously, he can only investigate this at night time.

How to find the Roaming Body Model in Lost Judgment

Head over to the school and go inside to trigger the case. You’ll actually need to walk to a specific spot on the first floor to see the body model, but it is marked by the blue case file on the map, so just bring it up and set the waypoint. When you do, a cutscene triggers sending Yagami to the second floor. Bring out your noise amp when you get control by pressing R3 and look in the second room to the left.

In this room, you’ll find the body model searching through cabinets. When you catch them, they will then run away, triggering a chase scene. Simply catch them and you’ll find out that it was a student named Naito trying to find answers to a test.

He’ll apologize for the commotion and tell Yagami that he will admit to his crimes to the teachers. Yagami says internally that he’ll need to check up on him when he sees him around the school. This is the hint that the quest can only continue during the daytime.

Meet With Naito in the Cafeteria (Daytime)

Switch over to day by sleeping on the couch or just progressing the story to the point where it is daytime, then head over to the cafeteria in the school. This triggers a cutscene with Naito that ends the case.

That is everything you need to know about how to find the roaming body model in Lost Judgment. If you’re still on the hunt for more info about the game, be sure to check out all of the other tips, tricks, and breakdowns related to a variety of helpful topics by searching the game’s guide wiki.

There should also be some related content down below that you may find helpful, as well as some other Lost Judgment-based news. For any questions you can’t find the answer to, always feel free to reach out to us in the comment section below and we’ll do our best to help.

About the author

Andrew McMahon

Andrew was Twinfinite's Features Editor from 2020 through until March 2023 and wrote for the site from 2018. He has wandered around with a Bachelor's Degree in Communications sitting in his back pocket for a while now, all the while wondering what he is going to do for a career. Luckily, video games have always been there, especially as his writing career progresses.
