
How To Fix Friend Request Locked Error in Warzone 2

Bugs seem to be an inevitable part of the Call of Duty experience.

Warzone 2.0 artwork Image Source: Activision

Are you facing difficulties sending friend requests in Call of Duty: Warzone 2? Are you getting the exasperating ‘Warzone 2 Friend Request Locked’ error? Don’t fret! This guide will provide a comprehensive explanation of this issue and various methods for fixing it, so you can get back to enjoying your gaming experience without further delay. Here’s how to fix the friend request locked error in Warzone 2.

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Fixing the Friend Request Locked Error in Warzone 2

The Warzone 2 Friend Request Locked Error is a significant obstacle players have encountered, hindering their ability to play with their friends. This issue arises from a disrupting glitch in the Warzone 2 lobby servers that disables its friend request feature, and it’s something that should be addressed as soon as possible for a more pleasant multiplayer experience.

Luckily, numerous alternative solutions are available to help fix this issue without waiting for the server issues to be resolved. These methods include using other games or the COD Companion App on mobile phones to add friends instead. We’ll take a look at these fixes in further detail below!

Server Status Check

Before attempting additional troubleshooting steps, it is essential to check the COD: Warzone 2 server status first. You can do this here. Additionally, if you find that nothing appears wrong regarding server status, then perhaps there may be another issue that requires further investigation or assistance.

Adding Friends through Other Games

If you’re having difficulties accepting a friend request in the Warzone 2 lobby, try adding them from another game, such as Modern Warfare 1. This way, any potential glitches with the Warzone 2 servers can be avoided. It’s also important to remember that when playing different games within the same franchise, such as Call of Duty, you won’t need to set up separate accounts. Every account within the franchise is interconnected and shared between all other titles offered by Activision, making it easy to share content across different games while continuing to use your existing account information.

Using the COD Companion App

Another excellent solution for overcoming this problem is using the Call of Duty Companion Application on your mobile phone. This application allows you to easily add friends to your account, edit their load-outs, and view current stats. Many players have already successfully resolved this issue by taking advantage of its features — giving them peace of mind and allowing them to access multiplayer sessions much quicker than before! Furthermore, all these tasks can be managed within one convenient platform, perfect for those who want a more accessible and streamlined method for managing multiple accounts simultaneously!

We hope this guide helped provide some solutions for dealing with ‘Warzone 2 Friend Request Locked’ errors and other related problems when trying to add friends in-game! Remember, when attempting any troubleshooting steps, it is essential to check server statuses prior to taking any action. That’s everything you can do to fix the friend request locked error in Warzone 2.

About the author

Zack Hermenau

A freelance writer with a passion for creating content on live service first-person shooters and Esports. Convinced Dota 2 changes too much for its own good.
