
Fortnite Season 6: What the Giant Cube Did

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What the Giant Cube Did in Fortnite Season 6

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Wondering what the giant cube did in Fortnite Season 6? We’ve broken down everything you need to know about this mysterious object below.

Mysterious events have plagued the titular map of Fortnite: Battle Royale for the past couple of in-game seasons, including meteors and unused bunkers, but nothing more mysterious than a giant, purple cube roaming around the map for weeks on end. Here is the complete breakdown of what the giant cube did in Fortnite Season 6.

The cube first spawned into the map in Fortnite on Aug. 25 during Season 5 with a huge bolt of lightning. It sat upon a plateau located near Paradise Palms, a new location from last July where Moisty Mire once was, and where lightning strikes had consistently hit the area days beforehand. At the same time, the giant crack in the sky caused by a rocket had also disappeared. This was just the start of what the giant cube did in Fortnite.

It was giant, purple, and adorned with mysterious symbols. The cube could not be built through and hitting or shooting it would cause a shockwave that would fling any nearby players a far distance, presumably to their deaths if high enough. Also, it didn’t sit very long after it flipped over by itself in one direction, and players noticed that the cube was moving at intervals estimated at up to an hour and 43 minutes.

What the Giant Cube Did in Fortnite Season 5

The cube then chugged along daily. It first went west around Fatal Fields, across the river, then turned north around the edge of Greasy Grove. After that, it traveled east along the south side of Tilted Towers, along the crater of Dusty Divot and around Retail Row. It then went north into the edge of Wailing Woods, then traveled west all the way to Pleasant Park. Lastly, it turned south, and then went through Tilted Towers. Essentially the cube’s path made a reversed S if following the map.

It would stop along the way and imprint a mysterious rune-like symbol into the ground. This caused the surrounding area to emit a purple aura with decreased gravity inside it. Fortnite players inside would feel the effects similar to Hop Rocks, which would allow higher jumping and no fall damage. This was a pretty cool part of what the giant cube did in Fortnite. But there was still more to come.

What the Giant Cube Did at the End of Fortnite Season 5

The cube made an impact quite literally when it traveled through Fortnite’s popular Tilted Towers, destroying half of a retail store that was destroyed by a meteor at the beginning of the season. The destruction was a joke, considering the building was slowly being repaired over weeks. When reconstruction was completed, it got destroyed again.

After passing through Tilted Towers, the cube ended its journey on the west-side docks of Loot Lake. The cube flipped into the lake and dissolved in the water, causing the water to turn purple and took on the same effects as the cube itself. The lake became a giant trampoline, allowing Fortnite players to bounce from one side to the other. It is still water in some sense, since structures can be built from the lake. Grenades and remote explosives can be bounced across the surface though. This was arguably the coolest part of what the giant cube did in Fortnite.

What Happened to the Giant Cube in Fortnite Season 6?

Well, it looks as though after a little while, the giant cube in Fortnite Season 6 sucked itself back up from being dispersed across Loot Lake, and catapulted the tower in the lake into the air. The giant cube in Fortnite Season 6 now sits below this house, holding it in mid-air as a floating island of sorts.

Exactly what else will happen to the giant cube in Fortnite Season 6, we’re not entirely sure yet, but we’ll be sure to update this post and let you know as and when we do.

Update 9/29: The floating island, with the cube still attached at its base, has now floated away from Loot Lake about three days after Season 6 began. It is currently over the west-side docks at the time of this writing.

Its destination is unclear, though players and myself had noticed a strange bug with the map where the floating island icon would be placed somewhere other than Loot Lake, such as Fatal Fields or Salty Springs, since the season began. It is possible that the island is retracing the cube’s initial journey since it is leaving the same way the cube had traveled from, or perhaps simply following the spots where the cube imprinted the ground.

Update 11/04: The island had traveled around the map and used the marked areas as pit stops before settling back in at Leaky Lake, formally known as Loot Lake, on Oct. 21. A portal appeared above the island and the cube began drawing power from the lake.

The cube then blew up the island into three floating pieces on Oct. 24, the beginning of the game’s Fortnitemares Halloween event. The event caused pieces of the cube to scatter about the map and summon Cube Monsters which attacked players.

The Fortnitemares event ended on Sunday, Nov. 4 with the cube exploding into pure light, sending surrounding players to a heaven-like subspace. Players then touched crystallized butterflies in a cutscene, and were then sent back into the game’s map where several land masses have now populated the lake. The cube is seemingly no more, though fragments of it stick out of the central land mass in the lake.

That’s all you need to know about what the giant cube did in Fortnite Season 6. For more on everything video games, be sure to search for Twinfinite. For more on Fortnite Season 6, check out our brand-new Season 6 wiki.

About the author

Tom Meyer

Follow on Twitter @tomeyerz for musings on video games and things that confound him.

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