
Far Cry New Dawn: Best Weapons You Can Get (Rank II, Rank III, Elite)

best weapons in Far Cry New Dawn

 Best Weapons in Far Cry New Dawn

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Depending on where you’re up to in Far Cry New Dawn, the best weapons you can get will vary. If you’re in the late stages of the story, you’ll be all set to craft Elite weapons, depending on how you’ve spent your Ethanol. Other players earlier in the game may only have access to Rank II. Here are the best weapons in Far Cry New Dawn.

Best Rank II Guns in Far Cry New Dawn

Makeshift P226

  • Damage: 100
  • RPM: 410
  • Magazine: 10

In all honesty, the Rank II weapons aren’t great in Far Cry New Dawn, but the Makeshift P226 is a good starter handgun to check out, especially if you like landing stealth pistol headshots on your enemies.

It only has support for regular ammo, but it’s got decent range and good handling. You’ll be able to take down most Rank II enemies with this, just pair it with another Rank II assault rifle of your liking.

Makeshift SBS

  • Damage: 428
  • RPM: 180
  • Magazine: 2

This is the only shotgun you’ll see on this best weapons list because, well, the shotguns in Far Cry New Dawn just don’t seem all that effective. However, at Rank II, the Makeshift SBS is one of the better options on offer.

It’s got pretty nice range for a shotgun, and it seriously packs a punch, allowing you to kill most enemies up close. The only drawback is its small capacity due to the double barrel, but it’s still a good option to keep in consideration.

Rank III – Best Weapons

Optimized VECTOR.45 ACP

  • Damage: 75
  • RPM: 1,200
  • Magazine: 40

The VECTOR is so fun and easy to use in Far Cry new Dawn, you could probably substitute this in place of a proper assault rifle. It’s very easy to handle, has good accuracy, and allows you to make use of armor-piercing rounds.

It doesn’t have that much range on it, though, so you can pair this with a shotgun if you’re planning on getting close to your enemies.

Optimized AKMS

best weapons in Far Cry New Dawn

  • Damage: 100
  • RPM: 600
  • Magazine: 40

On the other hand, if you’d prefer to go with an assault rifle, you can’t really go wrong with the Optimized AKMS. It certainly has better range than the VECTOR, though its rate of fire is only half as impressive.

However, this gun comes with a bayonet, which means that melee attacks with this weapon equipped let you deal a bit of extra damage.

Optimized Recurve Bow

  • Damage: 800
  • RPM: 60
  • Magazine: 1

The Recurve Bow has always been one of the best weapons in the Far Cry series, and the same rings true in Far Cry New Dawn. In fact, this might very well be the best weapon in New Dawn.

In Far Cry New Dawn’s Rank III weapons, I’d recommend going for the Optimized Recurve Bow over a sniper rifle, simply because the MBP .50 just doesn’t compare to the Elite tier sniper rifles, and you’re better off saving your resources for those instead.

The Optimized Recurve Bow has good range, and can be used with incendiary and explosive arrows. It’s great for both ranged and close-quarters encounters, and will instantly kill any unsuspecting enemy in Rank III.

Elite – Best Weapons in Far Cry New Dawn

“DIY” D50

best weapons in Far Cry New Dawn

  • Damage: 400
  • RPM: 255
  • Magazine: 10

Assuming you already have the Optimized Recurve Bow in Far Cry New Dawn (and why wouldn’t you?), there’s no real reason to craft a silenced pistol in the Elite tier. With that in mind, consider picking up the D50 instead, which supports all three ammo types, and is incredibly easy to handle.

“Radiation-Pink” AK-MS

far cry new dawn, best weapons

  • Damage: 155
  • RPM: 600
  • Magazine: 40

Possibly the best assault rifle in the game, this “Radiation-Pink” AK-MS is basically the Optimized AKMS but better. It has better damage, and it also comes with the bayonet for the extra melee damage in case you need it.

It isn’t the best assault rifle in terms of raw firepower, but it gets the job done.

“Length Of Pipe” SA-50

best weapons in Far Cry New Dawn

  • Damage: 800
  • RPM: 180
  • Magazine: 10

And of course, the SA-50 continues to be the best sniper rifle you can get in this series. In Far Cry New Dawn, the SA-50 gets a nice makeover with the “Length Of Pipe” variant, and it’s fitted with a suppressor so you can snipe your enemies and liberate outposts from afar.

It also supports piercing and incendiary rounds, in case you’re feeling extra sadistic.

And those are the best weapons in Far Cry New Dawn, at least in our opinion.

Be sure to search for Twinfinite or check our guide wiki for more tips and information on the game.

About the author

Zhiqing Wan

Zhiqing is the Reviews Editor for Twinfinite, and a History graduate from Singapore. She's been in the games media industry for nine years, trawling through showfloors, conferences, and spending a ridiculous amount of time making in-depth spreadsheets for min-max-y RPGs. When she's not singing the praises of Amazon's Kindle as the greatest technological invention of the past two decades, you can probably find her in a FromSoft rabbit hole.
