
Doom Eternal: How to Kill Every Demon Type (Doom Hunter, Archvile & More)

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Doom Eternal isn’t an easy game at all. Some of the enemies you come across are tough and there’s always so many of them at any one time. So that you can coordinate your attacks well, here’s everything you need to know about how to kill every demon type in Doom Eternal.

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We will run you though what they’re weak to, how to position yourself when fighting them, and what attacks to look out for.

How to Kill Every Demon Type in Doom Eternal

Zombies, Imp, Soldiers, Gargoyle

The Fodder zombies are easy to kill and don’t really need to be worried about.

They can be killed in one shot by the Super Shotgun, but the best thing to do is to hit them with one or two Heavy Cannon or Plasma Rifle shots and then Glory Kill them for some extra health.

Alternatively, they are the demons you should aim for when looking for something to chainsaw because they only require one portion of fuel.

Lost Soul

These are the little flying demons we’ve seen in Doom games long before Doom Eternal. They’re easy to kill, particularly with shotguns, but they’ll also die instantly when hit by your Ice Bomb.

Just be aware though, you’ll often encounter them at the same time as the Pain Elemental, which is significantly trickier to kill.

Makyr Drones

doom eternal, every demon

You won’t come across these enemies (they’re not Demons really) until later in the game. They’re not hard to kill with any weapon, but you’re prompted to kill them in a specific way.

Killing them with headshot, past the point of you being able to Glory Kill them, will see them drop a huge amount of health and ammo. It’s very helpful in a particular boss fight, but it’s not easy.

Only try to kill them that way if you’re desperate for resources, otherwise just kill them any way you can.

How to Kill Every Demon Type in Doom Eternal


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These demons caused me a lot of trouble early on in Doom Eternal as they’re powerful from pretty much any range.

The first thing to try and do is destroy the cannon on its back because that makes it pretty useless on the attacking front.

Otherwise, you’ll find that weapon mods like the Heavy Cannon’s Precision Bolt or the Plasma Rifle’s Heat Blast are particularly great, especially once you’ve unlocked the mastery upgrade.


doom eternal, every demon

The main thing to note about how to kill Cacodemon is that you should keep them at range. Don’t let them get really close to you because they’re hard to kill there and their bite is formidable.

When attacking them, start with firing a frag grenade into their mouth. That will stagger them, allowing you to Glory Kill them, killing them quickly and getting you health in the process.

If you miss, either wait for your grenade to reload or use the Ballista to kill it from further away, since that weapon is strong against flying demon types.


These new demons are annoying if you don’t know they’re there. They’ll spawn energy shields as you dash or jump, getting in your way and putting you in the range of other enemies.

Stay close to them if you can, using Blood Punch to destroy shields or the Plasma Rifle to make them explode. Any weapon is good against them if you can get away from the shields.

Dread Knight & Hell Knight

These big, lumbering demons are deceptively quick. The best thing to do to avoid their ground slams is to back away while looking at them. That allows you to avoid their attacks while moving forward to attack before they start moving again.

I like the shotgun against them, as it causes big damage in a short space of time, but both enemies are weaker to the Chaingun than other weapons, so that will be a good option.

How to Kill Every Demon Type in Doom Eternal


The basic Mancubus is powerful, thanks to its arm cannons and flamethrowers, but it’s easy enough to kill due to its size.

Staying away from it allows you to stay out of its cannon’s range, and then use the rocket launcher to hit it from far away.

Also, try to Glory Kill it every time because shoving its heart down its throat will see it explode, damaging any other nearby demons.

Pain Elemental

doom eternal, every demon

This demon is much harder to kill than the Cacodemon in Doom Eternal. While it looks similar, it’s stronger and not susceptible to grenades in the mouth.

Yes, it’s still weaker to the Ballista since it flies and its size makes it easier to hit with the Rocket Launcher, but it can still be a pain. Try and kill them quickly once they appear, and before they can get too close.

How to Kill Every Demon Type in Doom Eternal

Cyber Mancubus

doom eternal, every demon

The buffed version of the Mancubus is formindable and there’s just one thing you need to do to counter them.

Make sure your Blood Punch is charged and then go up to its chest and use it. That should, hopefully, knock all of its armor off at once, allowing you to blast it with all you’ve got.

It also worth nothing the other difference between the Cyber Mancubus and its normal variant. The Cyber one cannot be weakened by destroying its arm cannons. In fact, they cannot be destroyed at all, so focus on the blood Punch.


doom eternal, every demon

Killing the Pinky is all about getting behind it. Use your dash to dodge its rushing attacking, or double jump over the top of it. Then, blast it in the tail with your Super Shotgun. In no more than three blasts, it should be dead.

Also, it should die in one Blood Punch, if you’re not able to get behind it at all.

How to Kill Every Demon Type in Doom Eternal


You might mistake the Prowler for a normal Fodder zombie, trying to chainsaw it to get some quick ammo. However, while it’s not strong, its teleporting ability makes it difficult to pin down.

If you can hit it with a Super Shotgun blast or two, it should be done for, but if you can’t even catch it, chuck an Ice Bomb to stop it moving long enough to take it out.


These tricky demons pop up early on in Doom Eternal and are probably the most common of the larger enemies.

Shooting the cannons on their backs is a good tactic, it’s just not very easy to do. If they lock onto you, dash away to break it, and take advantage of the game’s splash damage by firing a Rocket Launcher round near them when they’re on the ground.


The Spectre doesn’t appear all that often in Doom Eternal’s campaign and they’re not really anything to worry about. The idea is that they’re invisible, but they’re not really very good at it.

You can see their semi-invisble shell pretty easily, so just hit them with whatever you’ve got.


Up there with the most annoying demons in Doom Eternal, catching these snake-like Whiplash enemies is tough.

The Ice Bomb is your friend if you’re trying to pin them down, but we also found that the Heavy Cannon’s Precision Bolt or the Plasma Rifle’s Heat Blast are good against it.

Also, try to Glory Kill them. Not just because it gets you some health, but because the two animations for Glory Killing a Whiplash are the best in the game.


The Archvile is probably the most confusing enemy you’ll come across. At least that’s true when you first encounter it. It has the ability to summon other demons and they’re surrounded with an orange/red glow, making it seem like a Buff Totem is nearby for you to destroy.

Actually, the only way to stop more demons spawning is to kill the Archvile that will be nearby. First, find it and make it your focus. Ignore everything else for now and make Blood Punching its shield your first priority.

Then, just work away on it with whatever weapons you have. It’s slow for the most part, but it’s able to teleport to other parts of the arena. Kill it, get it out of the way, and then move back to the rest of the enemies around you.

How to Kill Every Demon Type in Doom Eternal

Baron of Hell

These enemies are huge but not particularly quick. Let them out of your sight long enough to get close and you’ll be in trouble, so just blast them with your Chaingun as soon as you spot them nearby. Worry about all of the smaller demons later on.

Doom Hunter

The first time you encounter these it’s in what is essentially a boss fight. However, they crop up in crowds throughout the rest of Doom Eternal’s campaign.

The game recommends using cell weapons (Ballista and Plasma Rifle) to weaken it, but I’d recommend just blasting away at its sled with a rocket launcher.

They will remove the shield on its body anyway and it’s relatively easy to destroy. You can then take it on like any other demon.


Here it is, the most annoying enemy in the game. We have a whole breakdown of what tactics to use against the Marauder, which you can check out here, but here are the basics.

Keep it at mid-range, this is an absolute must. At short range, he’ll blast you with his shotgun, and at long-range all of your attacks will be blocked. Then, back away from him as he approaches, hitting him with your Super Shotgun blast whenever his eyes turn green.

Also, be sure to make use of the fodder enemies that continue to spawn. You’ll be able to get ammo and health from them easily.


The Tyrant is quite slow to turn, so dash past it when you can. Then, with it vulnerable and not attacking, attack it yourself with things like you shotgun and rocket launcher. This might be a good time to use your BFG ammo if you have any, too.

Also, as we’ve said about other larger demons in Doom Eternal, the Tyrant can be hurt a lot by weapons mods, with our favorites being the Heavy Cannon’s Precision Bolt or the Plasma Rifle’s Heat Blast.

How to Kill Every Demon Type in Doom Eternal


There are more like environmental dangers than demons, technically, but they’re still annoying. When going into caves, they’ll often pop up and attack without any notice.

The best thing to do is to just keep an eye out for the holes in the ground that they pop out of. In slime, there will be bubble coming up where they’ll appear.

Just approach them slowly with your Super Shotgun ready and hit them with a shot as soon as they appear. In no more than two, they’ll be dead and you can continue without having to worry about tripping over them again.

That’s it for our run down of how to kill all demons in Doom Eternal. For more tips and tricks on the game, be sure to check out our wiki guide or search for Twinfinite.

About the author

Twinfinite Staff Writer

Tom Hopkins

A Film and English graduate from London who plays far too much FIFA. Playing Games since 1999. Favorite Genres: Third-Person Action, Racing, and Narrative-Driven.
