
The Division Incursion: How to Beat Falcon Lost

Everything you need to know to conquer the newest piece of The Division's endgame.

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incursion, the division, incursions, gear level, how to, tips, tricks, help

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There’s no doubt about it. The Division has offered up an incredibly difficult new slice of content with the Falcon Lost Incursion. Difficult doesn’t necessarily mean impossible though.

The Falcon Lost Incursion sees teams of four agents descend into the Warren Gate Water Treatment Plant with the goal of rooting out the LMB that have set up shop there. After a few enemies and a handful of tunnels and ladders, you’ll find yourself at the main area of the incursion, a massive underground room with an APC parked in the back. Faced with 15 waves of enemies, your objective is simply to collect explosives and blow up the APC.

But of course, it’s anything but simple. The minimum gear score for The Division’s first incursion is 140, with a recommended score of 160. In truth, anyone below 160 will be very hard-pressed to make it to the end, as even a gear score of 170 and up will do little to protect you if you make a wrong move.

How to Destroy the APC


The Falcon Lost Incursion is 15 waves of enemies, mostly made up of elites (purple health bars), with a few exotics (yellow health bars) spread throughout and coming in later on. On waves 4, 8, 11, and 15 an exotic enemy will spawn with explosives. After thinning out the wave enough to take out the marked enemy, your task is to pick up the explosives and run them to the back of the APC.

In order to survive the trip, two other teammates will have to turn off the automated turrets on either side of the armored vehicle. To the right, the panel is on the far side of the room, just around the corner from the APC. Behind the staircase and under the balcony, you can find it secured to a metal support beam. To the left, the panel is on the right wall of a small room directly next to the APC. Unfortunately, each turret will restart itself within a matter of seconds, meaning both must be turned off at the same time, just as the explosives carrier runs behind to plant the bomb.

If you wait too long before planting the explosives, more enemies will continue to spawn. So aim to have the wave at a manageable level instead of trying to clear out the entire wave before making your move.

When the bomb goes off, the APC will begin a missile barrage, firing sporadically around the room. Stay on the move and get back to a safe distance before hunkering down for another few waves. Planting the forth set of explosives on wave 15 will trigger a similar missile barrage. Survive it, and the APC will explode, giving you one complete incursion.

How to Survive Long Enough to do That


Beyond coordinating when to turn off the turrets and when to run out with the explosives, the difficulty in the Falcon Lost Incursion doesn’t actually come from mechanics. It comes from lots of very strong, very deadly enemies.

When entering the room, you will be dropping down from a small office, through a blown-out window. Don’t wait to drop down. When you do, you will be out in the open. If you hide in the starting office and try to kill enemies as they first flood the main room, dropping down, and the few seconds you’ll be without cover, will be a death sentence.

While no place in the main room is perfect to make your stand, going to up the stairs to the right is a safe bet to begin with. Once up the stairs you will find a balcony, along with a large platform, giving you just enough room to move around, and plenty of escape routs.

Unlike the Challenge Mode missions, the incursion is specifically designed to keep you from being able to stay in a single spot. Shot-gunners will rush you, grenade markers are a constant, and the new aerial drone enemies easily flank even the best positions. To make matters worse, the APC will also fire large incendiary rounds, each one fully capable of taking out your entire team in a single blast.

The key is to always keep an escape route in mind. Knowing which direction to roll and which paths are clear for retreat will help you stay standing through even the most overwhelming of onslaughts.

The Division isn’t content at just leaving the challenge there however. While there’s an ammo box just before dropping down into the main room, ammo is actually a finite resource in the incursion. In the center of the room, down a set up stairs, in a small trench, you will find a limited-use ammo box that can only be used a couple of times throughout the entire incursion. In between uses, make your ammo count, and be sure to communicate amongst your team as to when each person will run out and collect ammo from fallen enemies.

What Skills to Bring

The division Falcon lost incursion

Since the real difficulty of the incursion revolves around lasting long enough to get the next set of explosives, building your teams skills around that is the best strategy when first trying it out.

Starting with signature skills, Survivor Link is a must. It doesn’t matter how much damage you can put out, as it will never be enough when caught out in the open and taking fire. If your team chooses, having someone with Recovery Link can be useful for long distance, mass revives. But it’s always better to simply not need the revives in the first place.

When it comes to the standard abilities, a similar mindset, thinking first and foremost of keeping your team alive, is the way to go. Having a couple team members with smart cover, equipped with the recharger mod, will bring in a touch more healing, along with the buffed damage resistance and cooldown times. Likewise, support stations, especially when equipped with the ammo cache mod, are invaluable to keeping your team’s health up and saving on ammunition. Other skills, such as Pulse and First Aid can then help with situational awareness and staying in the fight.

While the remaining skills do have their uses, stacking primarily in buffs and survivability will help more in the long run. That said, it’s worth noting that Turrets serve as a great distraction for the aerial drones and even the automated turrets at the back of the room in the early waves. Unfortunately, they will be hacked quickly in the later stages.

If you focus on keeping your teammates up and shooting, no matter what, eventually you’ll make it to the next wave.

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About the author

Sean Timm

Sean is a simple man who enjoys a good game, a good story, and the chance to talk about both. That said, he also honestly believes video games have the potential to be the greatest pinnacle of storytelling ever, so there's that...
