
Top 10 Best Minecraft Mods of September 2018

Best Minecraft Mods of September 2018

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Minecraft Mods

Time to take a look at our best Minecraft mods of September, but we’ve plenty more posts on Minecraft mods to check out. In fact, we write this article monthly, so do check out June, July, and August for more ideas. If you’re not up to speed on how to install Minecraft mods, we’ve got you covered here.

We’re suckers for any mod that allows you to fly. Whether it’s Minecraft, Borderlands or Flight Simulator, nothing feels better than shedding the laws of gravity and taking to the sky. Perhaps not so much for that last one, but the point still stands.

The aptly named Wings mod gives you the ability to sprout a pair of wings and soar majestically overhead. There are a variety of different types on offer including both avian and insect, so if your preference is to dive bomb on your foes while taking on the appearance of a butterfly, your desires can be satiated. You can call yourself Nutterfly, because you are just nuts, baby!

…Hopefully, people don’t misinterpret the name.

Arcane World

Minecraft Mods

We could all use a little magic in our lives, especially in these tumultuous times. So thank goodness (and thank lemonszz) that there is now a mod that allows us to wield spells like the wizards of old. I mean, there are other magic mods out there, but we’re inclined to suffer recency bias. Arcane World is here now and therefore it is the very best one.

Stand before your ritual table and cast an enchantment that rips the very fabrics of time and space, or transform entire rows of blocks into farmland with your arcane hoe. Summon beasts, teleport to mysterious dungeons, the only thing that’s missing is dance magic. Which is a shame, because you remind me of the babe. Incidentally, that’s a terrible pickup line, so don’t ever try it. Experience talking here.

Best Minecraft Mods of September 2018

Advanced Fishing

Minecraft Mods

Tired of fishing like a rank amateur? Then it’s time you take the next step, young one, and tackle the art of advanced fishing! That tackle pun was completely unintentional, by the way. Unless you actually liked it, in which case I claim full ownership.

With this mod, you’ll be able to reel in all kinds of fishies, dependent on the current biome you’re dwelling in. You’ll even be equipped with a Blazing Fishing Pole, capable of snagging eldritch horrors from pits of lava. Does that mean you don’t have to cook them? Probably overthinking it.


Minecraft Mods

Legend has it that the rare and enigmatic Unikitty can make for a powerful ally when bribed with a golden fish. Legend also has it that you can kill them and cook them for a delicious meal unlike any other, albeit one that will break the hearts of children and make you ostracized by citizens of the realm.

Only one way to find out. Download the Unikitty mod and bring this delightful pink beast into your life. Unikitties will also cough up hairballs of string that can be woven into fabrics (your clothing will smell like wet cat hair, but that’s a small price to pay), and you even get access to an armor set, to boot. The helmet alone will give you night vision and underwater breathing, while assembling the full set will make you a veritable god. A god with a Unikitty, which is the best kind.

Best Minecraft Mods of September 2018

Ender IO Zoo

Minecraft Mods

Minecraft is known for its beautiful fauna, and many revel at the chance to construct their very own menagerie. If you’ve already got the Ender IO mod installed, this wondrous zoo addon will bring the mobs right to your doorstep. If you haven’t already installed Ender IO… well then, the zoo won’t quite work, and that would defeat the purpose.

Once you have said mod, however, you’ll be treated to tiny little Enderminies, tragic Fallen Knights, and Concussion Creepers — so called because they drop resources that can cause concussive blasts, rather than the fact that they bash their heads against the wall.

Coherent Villages

Minecraft Mods

Fancy sprucing up the vanilla villages of Minecraft, and populating them with NPCs that operate with survival in mind? Pop on the Coherent Villages mod, and come face to face with the local populace. From pitiful villagers that act as little more than fodder, all the way up to soldiers and wizards, they will fend off mobs with ferocity. Woe betide any who invade their humble walls!

This mod is actually rather fascinating to observe, as the different types of NPCs will even operate with their own unique routines in times of tranquility. Some patrol during the night, while others stand stoic in the daytime. Militia will search houses for suspicious trespassers, so don’t get caught!

Best Minecraft Mods of September 2018


Minecraft Mods

“Survival Mode as it should have been”, this mod so boastfully claims as its tagline. I mean, personally I thought survival mode was all well and dandy, but apparently there’s more that could be done, as TerraFirmaCraft endeavors to prove.

For one thing, the landscape is completely overhauled, and the sea level is raised to introduce different layers of aquatic terrain. In addition, you’ll advance through the various ages (Stone, Casting and Iron) as you head out in hunt of rare ore and valuable resources. Bash stuff with rocks, then progress onto more impressive bashing tools.

About the only thing this mod doesn’t manage to construct is a compelling logo. Yeah, I went there.

Mega Map

Minecraft Mods

Missing minuscule moments? Mega Map might make more… msense?

Truly one for the cartographers out there, should such an archaic career still exist, this mod will allow you to zoom your map out to incredible lengths, to the tune of a 1:32 scale. Whether or not you’ll find a practical use for it beyond directions to the bibliotheque is fairly debatable, but it sure is fun to look at all of the world right there in your grubby little hands. Makes you feel very small, and possibly suffer an existential crisis.

Best Minecraft Mods of September 2018

Spiked Foods

Minecraft Mods

If Snow White and the Seven Dwarves ever taught us anything, it’s that apples offered by wandering strangers can prove deadly. It also taught us that diamonds are pretty much everywhere in the nearby mine, and we should all be millionaires. Mostly the apple part, though.

Such treachery can now be found in the once innocuous world of Minecraft, thanks to the wicked Spiked Foods mod. With a simple potion, you can turn a piece of fruit into a deadly weapon. The only caveat, of course, is that your foes will have to actually consume the tainted snack in order for it to have its effect. It probably would have been more effective if this mod generated food that was literally spiked. I for one would like to kill people with a pointy baguette.

Hungering Darkness

Minecraft Mods

We close this month’s list with a mod that hasn’t quite gotten the traction it should. We’re hopeful that our endorsement will give it the necessary boost it needs, effectively providing rocket straps to send it into the next stratosphere. We’re givers, you know.

This particular mod curses your world with darkness, therefore making it a most appropriate mod for the upcoming Halloween season. As the darkness grows, it causes more damage, effectively sucking the very vitality from your soul until you are a decaying husk, writhing on the floor and gasping for air. Sounds like a fun Halloween to me!

Also, please note that this mod was, unfortunately, absent an accompanying image, so we helpfully provided our own interpretation. It features the Enderman, as we imagine him to be rather fond of darkness. He is at the library, about to borrow his favorite book.

About the author

Tony Cocking

A miserable little pile of secrets. Unabashed Nintendo stan, Resident Evil fancier and obscure anime enthusiast who insists everything is funnier when the rule of three is applied. Oh, and once I saw a blimp!
