
Top 10 Best Minecraft Mods of October 2018

Horror Movie Monsters

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Best Minecraft Mods of October 2018

Minecraft Mods

Last month saw Minecraft’s annual spookyjam, a chance for eager modders to flex their muscles for the macabre. So you can expect a fair few horrifying mods to qualify for this list, because gee golly gosh do us gaming folk love our Halloween.

We commence with a mod that brings the very best of the very worst horror movie villains into your once peaceful Minecraft world. They’ll only spawn very rarely, but once they do, they’ll most certainly make an impression, dealing out massive damage and tanking hits left, right and center.

Should you actually manage to fell one of these behemoths, you may acquire a weapon like Jason’s machete or Freddy Krueger’s glove. Does this mean that you’re now the villain? I guess we’ll find out in the sequel, Minecraft Mods 2: It’s Technically November Now.

Eyes in the Darkness

Best Minecraft Mods of October 2018

Eyes in the Darkness may sound like a sweet album title for a late 70’s death metal band, but it is also the name of this most eerie mod that brings some unwelcome friends into your life. Once you’ve spotted the eyes, it’s too late, because they’ve already spotted you.

They just want to watch, mostly… But if you dare turn away, you’ll get the fright of a lifetime. Sure hope your ticker is top notch.

This is also an excellent mod to surreptitiously add into other people’s Minecraft games, then watch as they are pursued by relentless eyeballs at every turn. Hahaha! Being a jerk is lots of fun.


Best Minecraft Mods of October 2018

The Minecraft world sure can be a dangerous done, with no end of hideous ghouls looking to drag you into the afterlife. Sometimes, you’ll wish that you had something to unify all of the creatures of the world, a shared experience that everyone could enjoy. The next entry to make this list comes courtesy of Pricea1, and it turns once sinister skeletons into musicians, just in time for Rocktober.

Nab a musical note and fling it at one of these boney assailants, and they’ll change their tune real quick, transforming into conductors. Alas, they’ve nobody to conduct, so you’ll have to assemble a skeleton crew in order to hear those sweet jams. There are a range of preloaded MIDI files for you to select from (including the Beetlejuice theme for the Elfman enthusiasts out there), but you can upload your own if you prefer.

Personally, I want my skeletons to just play Classical Gas.


Best Minecraft Mods of October 2018

If you’ve ever played Darkest Dungeon, you’ll know that the psyche of your average adventurer is a fragile, tenuous thing that needs to be maintained. Frankly, it’s stressful enough to stretch the limits of your own sanity, but if you’re up for a challenge, you can now expand this into the world of Minecraft. Sure hope you like to worry.

The Sanity mod tracks the player’s well-being, requiring sleep and sustenance to keep things in check. Refuse to take care of yourself by eating rancid things (like, you know, rotting flesh), and your sanity levels will begin to plummet. Allow them to get too low, and you’ll start seeing things appearing before you. Some of these hallucinations are hostile, while all of them are at the very least impolite.

Will you dabble recklessly with the madness? Or will you be a good squire and get some shut eye? The witching hour approaches…

Stygian End

Best Minecraft Mods of October 2018

The end dimension isn’t really the kind of place you should be dithering about in, but if you like to live dangerously, you’ll be happy to know that there is now a mod that adds extra biomes to this dire place. At last, you can harvest before you get harvested!

The Stygian Growth biome is covered in suspicious purple grass and bioluminescent plants. Careful about what you pick up, as you’re likely to contract a nasty endermite infestation. Worse still, the Acidic Plains biome is riddled with enderic acid that will ruin your day real fast.

Just grab your resources quickly and get the heck outta here, I think I can see an ender dragon appearing on the horizon. He probably wants to sell us some bitcoins.

Jack O’ Launcher

Best Minecraft Mods of October 2018

Now that Halloween is over, you probably have a whole bunch of useless jack o’lanterns sitting around with nothing to do other than slowly rot and collect flies. Wouldn’t it be preferable to turn them into something useful, like, say, a perilous pumpkin projectile?

I don’t care what your actual answer is, that alliteration was amazing. Jack o’ launcher is GO.

This mod adds a highly customizable rocket launcher into your arsenal that uses exploding jack o’lanterns as its ammunition. You can control the blast radius, you can control the kind of impact it will make, and frankly, you can control the world with a weapon of such devastating power.

Let this grinning orange maw be the last face they’ll ever see!

Maiden’s Marvellous Materials

Best Minecraft Mods of October 2018

Oh come on, not every October mod needs to be terrifying. Sometimes we want to look pretty, dammit! Pretty!!

The spectacularly named Marvellous Materials mod adds an entirely new biome dubbed the Ornamental Forest. Here, iridescent trees of various sizes grow alongside glowing mushrooms that light the way. The trees can be harvested for their blossoms, which you can then fashion into fantabulous pigments.

There’s even a hidden secret in this mod involving the Floral Fortune potion. If you find it, you’ll be dubbed the Queen of the Ornamental Forest! …A ceremonial title, mind you. You won’t actually have any sovereign powers to speak of.

Harvester’s Night

Best Minecraft Mods of October 2018

A lightning bolt crashes to the ground, and a wicked cackle rings through the air. This can only mean one of two things. Either the Harvester has arrived, an early game boss wielding a deadly scythe, or Johnny Depp is on a late night bender.

Assuming it’s the former, you’ll soon come face to face with this cunning specter. Your goal is to kill him before the sun rises in order to claim his scythe, or at very least for bragging rights among your circle of friends.

The scythe is a harvester’s dream, easily slicing through flowers, grass and flesh.


Best Minecraft Mods of October 2018

Though many of these mods may prove a bit too frightening for children, there is only one that is age-restrictive. For this mod, you see, is rated arrrrrrr

(Please note, this mod is not actually rated by the ESRB. I simply insinuated this in the interest of a terrible joke, and any superficial claims are in no way legally binding. Don’t @ me.)

The pirates mod will do as you’d expect, inserting pirates and pirate-related paraphernalia into your world. You can even acquire a keg of rum and truly embrace the pirating life, singing ditties and knitting sweaters to your heart’s content! I’m pretty sure that’s what pirates do.

In keeping with this month’s theme, you may even encounter eerie ghost pirates on a ghost pirate ship. Be careful if you try to grab their booty, you’ll either be keelhauled or charged with sexual assault.

jabelar’s Moving Light Sources

Best Minecraft Mods of October 2018

Sometimes, you want your Minecraft games to have more of an element of realism to them. Never mind the fact that you are chasing polygonal zombies down sandy corridors while wielding an axe made of a fictional ore. Our next modder is so fond of this light-related creation, he’s even seen fit to stick his name in the title. It’s hard to be humble when you’re jabelar.

The moving light source mod alters all relevant objects to actually cast light when carried. It actually looks pretty nifty in action, and you can even use your torch defensively in order to burn nearby entities.

At long last, you can pretend that you’re Beni Gabor in the final segment of the Mummy, fending off the oncoming scarabs. That ended pretty well for him, didn’t it?

About the author

Tony Cocking

A miserable little pile of secrets. Unabashed Nintendo stan, Resident Evil fancier and obscure anime enthusiast who insists everything is funnier when the rule of three is applied. Oh, and once I saw a blimp!

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