
The Top 5 Easiest Champions in LoL

League of Legends is a complex game (Dota players are probably laughing as they read that). With 119 champions to choose from, beginners likely feel overwhelmed when they have to learn how to effectively play against every champion while also seeking a champion they themselves are comfortable with playing. Fear no more, LoL noobies! Down below you’ll find some of what I think are the easiest champions to pick up in League of Legends in no particular order. Whether you want to be the next Faker or you just want to enjoy the game without feeding, these champions will put you on the path of least resistance.

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Disclaimer: this list is by no means a list of overpowered champions or champions that are easy to master to their full potential. These are simply mechanically easier champions for people who are looking for something that doesn’t take too much skill upfront.

Top Lane – Garen

Garen is about as mechanically simple as a champion can get. With a silence, damage reduction buff, and a spin attack in his kit along with an execute as his ultimate he’s relatively easy to understand. His passive allows him to regenerate 0.4% of his maximum health for every second he’s not in combat 9 seconds after leaving combat, making it easier for newer players to have lane sustain. He’s also known for his ability to run out of a bush and assault his enemies when they least expect it. As a matter of fact, Garen’s playstyle has been used as an example for atomic superposition similar to the Schrödinger’s cat example. Namely, what people refer to as Schrödinger’s bush.

Mid Lane – Annie

Annie is the first champion I ever played. She was recommended to me by a friend when I started playing LoL so it only seems right that I now recommend her to you. Annie’s spells include a targeted fireball, a conic flame attack, a shield that increases both armor and magic resist while doing magic damage to anyone auto-attacking her, and her ultimate which is essentially her teddy bear going full hulk-mode and getting dropped on your enemies covered in fire. One of the most important things to keep in mind with Annie is her passive. After casting 4 spells, Annie’s next offensive spell will stun the target. You can keep track of this using the tooltips above the casting bar and Annie herself will display a whirlwind animation around her character when her stun is charged. All in all, Annie is a lot of fun to play and can be quite the menace when played effectively.

Jungle – Warwick

Jungling is one of the more complicated roles to play in League of Legends. Oftentimes, new players won’t even play with junglers on their teams until they reach around level 20 and even then it is a challenge to jungle without the full runes and masteries available to you at level 30. Even so, jungling is a crucial role and is one of the most difficult to fully master so it is beneficial to start earlier if that is the path you want to take. Warwick is one of the easiest junglers to play, mainly because his skills are straightforward and he has a lot of jungle sustain. His kit includes a strike that heals him for part of the damage it deals, an auto-attack speed buff that applies to both him and his team members who are close to him, and a movement speed buff that triggers when there are low health enemies nearby. His ultimate is a suppression in which he lunges at an enemy, suppressing them and dealing damage while gaining lifesteal for the duration of the spell.  Warwick’s passive is also very useful in that it allows him to regain health when he’s auto-attacking and the more he attacks the same target, the more health he is able to regain. The biggest caveat to Warwick is that it is often difficult to help your team until you reach level 6, but if your goal is simply trying to learn the motions that go along with jungling, Warwick is a great choice.

AD Bottom Lane – Caitlyn

The bottom lane is definitely a monster all its own when compared with the other lanes. As the only 2v2 lane in the LoL meta, it’s not always so simple to determine what the “easy” champions are simply because the champion you lane with also plays a huge part in that determination. For an AD in the bottom lane, the main goal is to farm effectively while trying to prevent the enemy AD from farming and maybe even killing them a couple of times. One of the greatest challenges in playing an AD is positioning – which is exactly why I think Caitlyn is a solid choice for beginners. Caitlyn is the AD with the longest baseline autoattack range in the game, and so positioning her is easier simply because she can stand further than all of the other ADs. Her kit includes a ranged skillshot that does less damage the more enemies it goes through, traps that can be placed on the map to reveal enemies and stop them in their tracks, and a dash of sorts that pushes Caitlyn backwards so she can reposition and slow enemies. Her ultimate is essentially a sniper shot that gets locked onto an enemy but can be blocked by another enemy if they walk into the line of sight. Caitlyn’s passive will power up her auto-attacks periodically, thus granting them more damage. As far as ADs go, Caitlyn will take a long time to fully master but she is a great starting point and always a strong contender in the bottom lane.

Support Bottom Lane – Sona

The first support a lot of players tend to move toward is Sona. All of Sona’s abilities will hit the target closest to her automatically, so there is no aiming or targeting that needs to be done. This makes her one of the most mechanically simple supports in the game and an overall easy-to-grasp champion. Sona’s kit includes a damage spell, a heal, and a speed buff along with an ultimate that stuns enemies in a directed area. Her passive ability allows her to power up her auto-attacks after she has casted a certain amount and will give them additional effects. One of Sona’s greatest drawbacks is that she is very squishy and needs to be wary of getting caught in a bad position by the enemy support or AD.

So there you have it, some of the easiest champions in League of Legends! I hope you find this list to be at least somewhat helpful in your journey through Champion Select.

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About the author

Chris Jecks

Chris is the Managing Editor of Twinfinite. Chris has been with the site and covering the games media industry for eight years. He typically covers new releases, FIFA, Fortnite and any good shooters for the site, and loves nothing more than a good Pro Clubs session with the lads. Chris has a History degree from the University of Central Lancashire. He spends his days eagerly awaiting the release of BioShock 4.

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